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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I do delete most of them although I do have the space but it can be used for something else.
  2. You haven't played games like Kingdom Come Deliverance or Skyrim so you wouldn't have encountered this.
  3. That's what needed to happen but the greedy California politicians strike again...
  4. It has turned into total garbage and will definitely nail the coffee in such a once promising series.
  5. Well Battlefield 2042 has a lot of positive reviews from early players so that's a very good sign and I hope to soon be apart of that experience as well.
  6. Makes a lot of sense to test a game before playing it. After all, spending money unnecessarily on certain games comes at a cost to you.
  7. Me neither - the game isn't that entertaining to me.
  8. You'd have to depend on individual companies in the gaming industry being host with everybody and that never happens.
  9. Sony has done things like this in the past but it's so subtle that most gamers wouldn't have noticed.
  10. Besides, maintaining it would continue to come as an expense to them.
  11. It's always freaking Call Of Duty that takes up most of the memory! Seriously, what is in these games?
  12. This is a tough one to ask because I can't really think of any location that hasn't really been explored in games.
  13. No - not really. Unless there's some intentional camera blur, my vision and senses aren't really affected.
  14. Not really - it's either in someone's playthrough or you find out playing the game.
  15. If I play for extended periods without taking a break, sometimes my sight starts to suffer a bit.
  16. I'd have to say Metal Gear because in many different iterations of the side character stories, we come to learn a lot about Solid Snake's various encounters and see him and other characters in a different light.
  17. Spec Ops: The Line TLOU Deus Ex Broken Sword Metal Gear Series
  18. Honestly, it's an extremely complicated process - I just flip a coin several times and after countless eliminations, I choose a game. I'm just kidding by the way but it depends on what game interest me and if the reviews are good, then I go play it.
  19. I was just about to mention Spec Ops in terms of dealing with your own delusions and PTSD.
  20. I wish for them to hurry up and port FF7 Remake to PC as I had to borrow my cousin's PS4 to play it. Also, I'd like an official port for God Of War as well and TLOU series.
  21. I try some new and ridiculous challenges such as trying to fight my way through Skyrim with a fork ( I managed to do that) among other things.
  22. China India Australia I can't remember any others off the top of my head but these 3 are the biggest culprits of censorship and harsh restrictions.
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