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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I'd have to say yes with music being a close second and if I had to choose one, it has to be video games. Plus my love for video games has been with me since the age of 3-4 yrs old.
  2. I learned from the Metal Gear Series to always fight for what you believe no matter what the odds. Solid Snake was a clone made of all the "inferior" genes of Big Boss but he happened to be the strongest, smartest and most impactful clone of them all.
  3. The Arkham series isn't based on any specific Batman tv show or movie but it's the closest iteration I've seen of Batman in a video games in terms of his movement, strategies to deal with situations, gadgets and also the villains are accurate portrayed as well.
  4. The only genre of games I wouldn't recommend is puzzle games and that's because they are boring as hell.
  5. I know some people who are like that but for me it depends on what I'm doing in a game. In terms of aiming properly with ranged weapons, first person is always the way to go.
  6. Makes sense because if nothing happens to your current controller, you have the other one as a backup.
  7. It's a greedy practice that has creeped into the gaming industry and is now an industry standard unfortunately.
  8. I think it was because it was a buggy mess that turned off most people. I only started to really enjoy it when I got mods to fix most of the bugs.
  9. True - but I think the graphical detail of modern games is amazing compared to when I was growing up.
  10. Agreed - playing horror games at night tends to really boost the immersion and your paranoia as the slightest unusual sound puts you on alert.
  11. I typically like to take things slower so that I can enjoy the game I'm currently playing and all its activities. I only ever truly start rushing when I'm close to the end of a game and I'm getting tired of playing it so I just rush through to the end.
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