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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. They want the same success so they Chinese way is to rip off their competitor's design and try to sell it a far lower price undercutting the competition in the process.
  2. But she'd mostly use it at home since it's safest there so that's good for her.
  3. Microsoft pushes Bing pretty aggressively but hardly anyone uses it. I mean the highest searched keyword in Bing is Google lol. That just tells you all you need to know...
  4. The rate of adoption is painfully slow as in most developers whether gaming or otherwise are not using that much. I know in time it'll catch on eventually but I thought the process would be way quicker since we've since it's been out for at least 3 years.
  5. It takes 10 minutes at most and just scroll through - that's it...
  6. Vice City bring back so many memories during high school - I couldn't wait until the weekends to sit and play it for the whole day.
  7. Ermmm...Most parents aren't that responsible and some aren't so knowledgeable about the rating system in terms of games.
  8. Or collect 100 butterfly wings but it's different species of butterfly across the gaming world - why would they put someone through that?
  9. @Heatman here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/ThrustMaster-Tm-Eswap-Pro-Controller-Xbox/dp/B07XQC1GNG
  10. I wouldn't be like the naive guard to try and attack a dragon with a regular blade. Id be spamming magic from some distance and ducking behind buildings to dodge the flames.
  11. Yeah, it was out for him early since he lives in Europe but I heard it hits pre-built systems the hardest causing up to a 28% drop in gaming performance.
  12. Oh okay - that makes a lot of sense but couldn't you have gone for Zidane instead?
  13. I agree especially Scorpion's one where he burns them to death and Johnny cage's own where he just kicks them and then poses. Like wth...
  14. I saw a bunch of Youtube skits about it the other day so I decided to look it up and then I found out what it was.
  15. Then they should just work towards that - although now that I think about it, superhero games do tend to flop most times.
  16. I can't wait for AOE 4 either - I'm almost certain it'll be a banger.
  17. Well there must be a solution - what ways do you think we can combat this?
  18. It's a pretty smart way of promoting a brand but as you can see, it can be misused by companies to deceive potential customers.
  19. Yeah - the reports rumored that they could work together to introduce a new gaming service. I think we even discussed it a few months back if I'm not mistaken.
  20. It's certainly possible - it's certainly not a new thing in the gaming space.
  21. As I said previously, governments are self-serving organizations. They do what's best for them and not the people gave them that power in the first place.
  22. It was rebranded to PES but now it goes byt the name of eFootball.
  23. The price is just not worth it - up to to 2-3 years ago I'd have said the opposite but Covid has made everything ridiculously expensive.
  24. It's affecting most of us right now but you just have to find some new ones.
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