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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I'd choose age 40 because by then my life would be far more stable and I'd be mature enough to raise a child. Even though I was pretty mature at 18, having a kid at that age when I'm still trying to figure out elements of my life wouldn't benefit me or my child and he'd probably go through the same rough upbringing that I went through. What's your choice? Let's discuss.
  2. I'd much rather take the cash because I can get myself the gift that I'd want. Which would you rather?
  3. For me, it depends on the kinds of books in the library. If it's nothing but literature, I'd definitely take the Amusement Park but if it's books on how to build a business and build wealth, I'll take the library any day. Which would you choose and why?
  4. Personally, I'd much rather working alone because there won't be anyone to constantly be going back and forth with in regards to decisions. I'm also a very efficient person so I don't like working with people who'll slow down my productivity. That being said, I can work in both settings. Which one would you rather?
  5. All she needs is a fireproof/waterproof safe to keep her passwords secure in the event of fire/flood/natural disaster.
  6. Agreed Duckduckgo doesn't save your search history.
  7. Actually, the Logitech MX keyboards are very reliable options with most lasting upwards of 5 years and more.
  8. The rate of adoption in regards to Ray tracing is moving at a sluggish pace and it doesn't seem that a lot of developers are keen to add it just yet because DLSS 2.0 still has its issues and AMD's implementation is in its infancy.
  9. I think I'm going to at least give it a month so that the major bugs and other kinks can be worked out.
  10. Well some NGS games do have a bit of adult content but the others are perfectly fine in my opinion.
  11. Well you could just look up some pro clubs players - you'll find lots of teams...
  12. You installed WIndows 11? What's it like because I heard that the pre-built systems lose up to 28% in gaming performance.
  13. He's a very uninspiring coach and his tactics are one dimensional - even in the virtual world you won't win anything with him...
  14. That's good - DMC 4 and DMC 5 are excellent games.
  15. Because they know most people are easily influenced by their favorite YouTubers...
  16. It doesn't appeal to me either but the trailer has a lot of unintentional sexual references.🤣
  17. The issue most of us have had is that they could've done this years ago but @Crazycrab explanation makes a lot of sense. Nintendo constantly takes a dump on its community to prevent anyone else from benefitting from their games but them so it shouldn't surprise anyone.
  18. Currently, there's no definite way of fixing this because unless we the gamers are all on the same page, the situation will never be resolved.
  19. Governments will go after them for their reasons but they'll also find some kind of way to sneak some kind of tax in for gamers.
  20. It's everywhere unfortunately and we just have to be very careful about how we navigate certain platforms.
  21. It'll be way better than Stadia, that's for sure.
  22. I don't believe you were overreacting - sometimes you have to take preventative measures to stop a potential problem before it escalates. Having said that, I don't really click on links and If I'm tempted to, I simply copy the link and use one of the various phishing detector sites online to verify the validity of the link. That way I can keep myself safe.
  23. It's not that they don't know how to monetize - they just go overboard with their monetization practices and that's the real issue.
  24. No - I'm saying in this current market, it's not economically feasible to build one yourself as it'll cost you an arm and a leg. The best thing you can go for is either a pre-built system (buy it from a store that has assembled all the parts for you and it'll work right out of the box) or get a gaming laptop (this is the more portable option but it still gives a very good gaming experience). Having said that, there are plenty of YouTube videos that can teach you how to assemble a computer yourself after buying the parts but as I said earlier, this is currently the most expensive option.
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