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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It's difficult to say because I like lots of games for various reasons but I'd have to say Fantastic gameplay and story are two of my main criteria. Add in some decent graphics and you've got me hooked for the most part.
  2. I'm not sure what to say because even though I played the first two games, that was such a long time ago that I forgot what they were even about. But from what I've seen, Baldur's Gate 3 is its own thing and isn't really related to the first two games.
  3. Seems like my kind of game. It's giving me LA NOIRE vibes and that was one of my favorite games to play in the 2010s. I'll definitely keep this on my list of games to watch out for.
  4. I used to play Delta Force a lot back in the early 2000s - I'm stoked to see it revived. I haven't checked out this game as yet but I'm definitely going to do it because I've been craving some Delta Force action for the longest time.
  5. Personally, I loved the DLC - they added all kinds of crazy new abilities and I enjoyed the bossfights as well as doing some exploration. Elden Ring/Souls games aren't for everyone and most may find it torturing to play and I'm totally fine with that. There are plenty of other games out there that gamers can enjoy. Leave us Masochist to enjoy the difficulty.
  6. I used to play the OG Battlefront on PS2 and PS3 and was a huge fan so I was going to get this but then I seen how hard it flopped at launch. I'm going to spend my money elsewhere.
  7. I mean, Capcom are pretty good at remastering games and this one shows early promise. I'd get it personally.
  8. I've played this with my friends yesterday and it was a blast. I'm not sure if we've almost finished the game but we're at a point where there are some spinning metallic containers that we have to cross and the group keeps messing at that point.
  9. I can see why - it has that Age of Empires feel to it so that could account for its popularity. Also, the graphics are pretty gorgeous in my opinion - the tones are quite even in this game.
  10. I probably have said this on many other threads but I tend to keep my expectations low when it comes to Superhero games because they usually tend to disappoint. Outside of the few exceptions like Arkham Series, Miles Morales Spiderman and couple others, most Superhero games tend to be massive flops.
  11. I've played it and it's pretty much what I thought it'd be. It's rather generic in my opinion but it's a lot of fun and there are quite a bit of people playing it as well.
  12. Hopefully, I'm not like that when I get much older. The amount of fun I'd be missing out on with my kids.
  13. Five Feet Apart (2019) - 7.5/10
  14. Played some Counter-strike 2 and got my butt kicked but I was teamed with a bunch of 10 year olds cursing at each other.
  15. I did learn about that recently and that's a very useful one.
  16. Relationships teach us so much about ourselves and others. Whether it's about communication, trust, or self-growth, we all have valuable insights. What's the most important lesson you've learned from a relationship?
  17. What's that one strange belief you hold that most people would find bizarre? Whether it's a conspiracy theory, a supernatural experience, or just an unusual personal conviction, share your weirdest belief and why you think it's true.
  18. I've been thinking a lot about whether people who have struggled with addiction truly deserve a second chance. On one hand, I believe in redemption and that people can change. On the other hand, it's hard to ignore the damage they might have caused to themselves and others. What are your thoughts and experiences? Do you think everyone deserves a second chance, or are there limits?
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