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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Yeah - it's pretty insane and quite a few Youtubers own one of these machines. I'd love it in a game room personally.
  2. My choice is definitely Skyrim because I've been playing for the last 10 years and it has brought me so much enjoyment. On top of that, you can extensively mod the game to create any experience you want.
  3. I totally agree - your game collection is for your own enjoyment no matter how many games it is.
  4. Well I play for fun but I do learn certain things about the world I wouldn't have been exposed to normally.
  5. Yeah - it does. It heals your character completely...
  6. Same here - I hardly go outside nowadays because I don't have as much motive to...
  7. I totally agree - as I said earlier, the ability to do things your own way will make you a far better player.
  8. Well, that must be our only hope because PC has always had the capability to do it but most other developers never even attempted it...
  9. Or Far Cry 6 since it's literally coming this month and it's a far better game than Far Cry 5.
  10. Yeah it does, I don't know much about it but I saw glimpses of it on a Youtube video I was watching the other day.
  11. The Switch isn't outdated as yet so you can definitely enjoy it for a good 3-5 years before probably needing an upgrade.
  12. There's nothing wrong with that at all - do what works best for you and your situation.
  13. Well, I did know that you'd be able to find it on most shopping site - I always associated them with racing wheels and flying joysticks because that's what I always saw people with.
  14. Thanks for making me know mate. I don't typically read spoilers for most things though so I should be okay.
  15. It's even more bizarre seen her do it live on TV and one of the hosts started freaking out. It was both creepy and hilarious...
  16. To be honest, I have seen it before but I always forget it's there. I agree that chatbot wouldn't be effective.
  17. Yeah, we looking forward to an update.
  18. Or it could be that he got the Beta or maybe he's confusing it with another Battlefield game.
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