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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. They've been making some pretty stupid decisions for the past 3-5 years and this is just another one where we all have to wonder what was the motivation...
  2. The only great game that Epic has created to date is Fortnite (not my favorite game but can't deny its success). Rocket League was originally with Steam and they bought out the development studio. For once, I'm actually on Apple's side in this - just to see Time Sweeney cry like a little girl. It's absolutely priceless:
  3. The feds have a 99% conviction rate and they only act when they have irrefutable evidence so Activision is definitely going to punished to the full extent of the law. I'll be really surprised if they come back from this at all.
  4. I hate to say it but government intervention is going to be needed. Otherwise, they won't stop at all - the gaming industry has failed to fairly regulate itself and it's clear to see it won't ever get to that stage.
  5. Skyrim has been my favorite game since its release 10 years ago - I still can't get enough of it.
  6. I had so many different save files for this game, I had to end up buying another memory card - it really was addictive. I used to go to Arcades all the time but Covid has killed that for me.
  7. Most of us have played it and it's a very good game. You won't regret purchasing it - the only thing you'll regret is not playing it sooner.
  8. From 20 onwards is the games they rebranded - it's an absolute crap fest. Fifa won't have any competition now so they'll just stick to some crappy updates every year.
  9. Toxic behaviors aren't really taught by games - it's more the mentality/philosophy of the person play that influences their behavior. Games on a whole, don't really influence most people's behavior.
  10. That's why I'd have it in some kind of gaming room. I wouldn't mind it though - it looks like a very unique experience.
  11. $1000 is a lot to spend on a game - I don't even think I spent that much on Champions online. I think it was in the $600 category and that was over 3-4 years.
  12. Music helps to sooth the mind, body and soul. I always play music whether I'm gaming or working. Only during online meetings I shut off my music or when I'm sleeping. Otherwise, I'm always listening to music.
  13. It's definitely not going anywhere - it'll always expand because of the competitive nature of humans.
  14. Thanks for the recommendation - I'll definitely check it out as well.
  15. Lil Baby always makes some pretty good tracks and that is an excellent one. I've stopped playing wrestling games since 2007 and haven't gotten back into them. From what I've heard, they're buggy messes so I avoid them.
  16. It's a very good racing series from EA - the games you should try are the original Most Wanted or the most recent version Need for Speed: Heat.
  17. I mean Driver wasn't exclusively a racing game though, it was more like a GTA styled game with some racing at certain points.
  18. Konami has screwed up PES - it's now called eFootball and is a F2P microtransaction ridden mess of a game. I can't believe I'm saying this but Fifa is now the better game by default.
  19. Lol - this conversation really went left...🤣
  20. This is an impressive one indeed - it's the first I'm seeing it and I might go check it out. The production quality is top tier.
  21. This is true - I can't believe I didn't remember about the spiderman games...
  22. I agree - talking to people who don't like gaming is not going to get very far and they'll probably say something like "gaming is for kids" or some of the dumb stereotypical stuff non-gamers always say.
  23. My dad died from it as well and a family friend. It's a real sad state of affairs and it's only going to get worse before we see any improvement.
  24. That's nothing - When I used to play Lord's Mobile, I knew an American guy that spent $5000 a month on stuff in-game. The worst part is, that wasn't the only game he was playing at the time.
  25. I'd definitely want that - it'd make it far more fun than being limited to certain buildings in terms of interaction.
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