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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I remembered Gilmore girls and I do remember watching it with my female cousin on WB. I don't remember anything else about it to be honest.
  2. What you meant to say was what "revolutionary" feature did they re-add that was in a previous Fifa game but was removed for some weird reason. I heard Pro Clubs was getting an "upgrade" but so far the only notable thing is that they gave you the ability to create female players in Pro Clubs...Very big upgrade if you ask me (sarcasm).
  3. I'm not a fan per say but I'm a pretty good Fifa player and I usually always win against anyone I come up against.
  4. I always win at least one penalty per match.
  5. Yeah - I'm sure they won't screw this up again. At least, not this year - Honestly, I just want a functioning bug-free game. We don't need the fancy stuff.
  6. He does have a very laid-back style of fighting because he likes to get into his opponent's head and it causes them to drop their guard and it allows him to pick them off.
  7. More like a kick in the nuts with an iron boot - it's better they just left it alone.
  8. And Epic is going to try and go after Google next which will likely have the same outcome so their actions are pointless.
  9. Their greed is what ruined them and they'll eventually go bankrupt and I'm glad. I'm pissed about this whole thing - it's such a stupid decision that I still can't comprehend how they thought this would benefit them in the long-term.
  10. I heard there are some changes to this year's pro clubs but I haven't bothered to check it out. With Konami screwing up PES and turning it into a F2P microtransaction mess, Fifa is the only football game left...
  11. It's definitely not going to end well for them. Even their lead attorney jumped ship - she said in court "you can't pay me enough for this shit". They're screwed for sure and I'm glad they are.
  12. I agree - LA is definitely not for the faint of heart. As a matter of fact, LA isn't for most barring the extremely wealthy. Back in the days in the early 2000s, it was pretty nice but it's really gone downhill since.
  13. Can't believe I left out Need For Speed - it's one of my favourites as well.
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