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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Final Fantasy Record Keeper and Skyrim
  2. That is indeed correct and they'd undergo all kinds of legal implications which I don't think they're prepared to handle.
  3. Classic case of developer incompetence and greed - I used to play Runescape in my teenage days but I've totally forgotten about this game. Any Runescape fans here? How do you feel about this whole situation?
  4. This was a hilarious topic earlier in the year and the jury is in and...both of them lost although the courts ruled in the favor of Apple but a set of laws coming into effect makes this judgement somewhat irrelevant. Honestly, I just enjoyed the leaks about the shady practices of other companies being leaked during the trial. How did you feel about this court case?
  5. I've stopped playing PES since they made the change to Efootball where every season you have to buy a $40 season pass for update team sheets and game modes and the previous years purchases are null and void. I keep calling EA and Ubisoft the worst but Konami has always been way out in front of everyone else. As a PES fan, I'm so disappointed. How do you feel about this?
  6. As a huge fan of the Wipeout series growing up, my disappointment is immeasurable. One of my favorite futuristic racing series growing up has been reduced to this and I'm definitely not happy. This follows the long line of screwups that Sony has done over the past few years and everyone needs to take their rose tinted glasses off and call it for what it is. Sony is going down the Konami route but at a slower pace. What are your thoughts on this?
  7. killamch89


    I thin it's something like $10 a month...
  8. Gmail is a really handy one but I prefer to shut off most of the tracking features of my Google account.
  9. Same here - I don't even let my family know anything about my finances. I just tell them that I buy things on a loan when in fact I already paid full cash for them or that I rented a house in another country when in fact I actually own it.
  10. Or you could just turn on the dark mode and it'll darken websites and most other stuff at night.
  11. killamch89

    Steam Deck

    Most of us have no clue about Steam OS either or how it even works. Either way, you can always install Windows on the Steam Deck if you're not satisfied.
  12. I'll have to make plenty of space for this one - I just feel like it's going to be another 200+ GB game again...
  13. I used to do that as a teen but as I got older, I broke up my gaming sessions in 3-5 hour timeframes.
  14. Take Two Interactive developed the NBA 2K series. It's an EA game so it does count.
  15. Dante is a half demon so he can transform into a demonic humanoid form and it does contain magical items and stuff like that.
  16. Yep but it's always been that way but in the digital age - it's even more important because that's what Xiaomi does and that's why they're so successful.
  17. I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean. Can you please explain? The translation was a bit off...
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