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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I have to agree with RDR2 - it's light effects are amazing but there have been many other games like Deus Ex: Mankind Divided that also had great lighting.
  2. This is a tough one but I'd probably say Ratchet & Clank unless it's an animated TV show. The reason being Ratchet's design is rather unique that he'd look weird in a live action series.
  3. Not really - I was always able to find controllers on Amazon and eBay. I'm not sure if you check these platforms because they're usually available.
  4. Yeah - reviewers help me to make a decision on purchasing a game.
  5. Same here - there are some games I might've never though to try until it was recommended in a gaming community. On top of that, I learn some tips and tricks for other games so that I'm not entirely caught off-guard.
  6. Everybody knows my story with Star Wars Battlefront in 2016 - I bought into the hype and pre-ordered and when I got this piece of trash, I was so pissed. $60 and the game was a buggy, repetitive, microtransaction nightmare. I've never pre-ordered another game and it has saved me from countless other disappointments.
  7. I'd have to go through my Steam library but I'd wager that there are at least 50 games that I've only tried once and grew bored of them and never played again. The others are ones I've bought and never played.
  8. As the old boxers used to say - bob n weave. I'll try to avoid battle as much as possible and get some materials so that I can craft some supplies/health kits.
  9. Nope - I always go over everything in-game so that I can make sense of the whole story. I mean, why would you buy a game to only play certain parts of it and not explore it all.
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