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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Or the squidward dance - it's a difficult one because you might need more tentacles...
  2. Yep and also, the items may be able to make certain unique weapons but require lots of material.
  3. RE Village about a month or two ago. To be honest, I've been playing games but not get around to finishing them in the last year. I think I need to address this issue.
  4. I don't know - you could just be a hoarder. I have several games on Steam that I have yet to even make an attempt at playing and I've bought them for years. Yet I play a new game almost every week.
  5. A can of air always gets the job done for me. Also, a cloth to get rid of some more sticky substances on the keyboard.
  6. Need For Speed and Gran Turismo did teach me about car mods and what to look out for when modding vehicles.
  7. It makes no sense to only be able to enter one building when there are hundreds of others around but you can't interact with them.
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