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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Does a Grinch costume count? lol I'm being serious though, that's the weirdest outfit I've had by a mile. What was the weirdest outfit you ever had?
  2. I've made this mistake quite a few times in the past but the wrong persons in question looked just like the people I knew. Have you ever made this mistake?
  3. This is a tough one because I can't really remember any horrible tasting ones at all. But then again, I normally stick to things with chicken, fish, turkey and/or vegetables. What about you?
  4. What is wrong with me today? Anyways, so which would rather chew - metal or glass?
  5. Picture this, you're in a supernatural TV series with heroes and villains and you were asked to play a role. Would you rather be a famous villain or a lesser-known superhero?
  6. Definitely free Wi-Fi. I don't even drink anymore so those free drinks are useless to me. Which would you pick?
  7. Definitely drowning - I've been burned by fire before and it's not a pleasant experience at all! Which would you pick and why?
  8. This is a tough one for me because I've skip one or the other occasionally and honestly, I'd much rather skip lunch. Going to bed on an empty stomach isn't a pleasant experience at all. Do you agree with my choice?
  9. This is just one that we know about - imagine the ones that haven't even been discovered yet...
  10. Yeah - it is a very competitive market. If only there was some kind of online competition or showcase to show off some of these games, they'd catch the eye of some major companies.
  11. There are even more options than what's shown in the video. Nova Launcher is still the standard for android launchers and I can't see any of them uprooting it.
  12. killamch89


    Not sure what this has to do with the topic but Crypto is beneficial to people who can't afford to be apart of the banking system.
  13. killamch89

    Word Games

    That looks like a very interesting one - I might check it out as well...
  14. One of my favorite GBA games as well - How time flies... Noctis is a beast - I loved when Luna called all the summons to help him.
  15. I'm not sure but some people have some unique habits - Sometimes, I don't even notice that I got a missed call because I may not see it on the notification bar. It's when I go into contacts that I see that I got a missed call.
  16. I don't necessarily get challenged about religious beliefs - it's more my personal beliefs about life and how I choose to approach it.
  17. That's interesting - mine supposedly owned a mansion in Scotland and were trading merchants. That's how my great grandfather ended up coming to Jamaica in the first place. Other than that, I don't really know much more about my Scottish heritage.
  18. Not to mention the rain splashing on the roof - it immediately puts me into sleep mode.
  19. it's the coughing and nothing coming out despite your throat feeling stuffed that annoys me with coughing. Sore throat, you just have to endure it.
  20. My metabolic rate has been more or less the same since I was a teen and I'm glad for that. At least, I know I can burn off most of the food I eat.
  21. I love making chicken and cheese wraps and butter is needed in almost every recipe - cooking rice, baking cakes, making wraps. I'd go as far as to say that if you cook a lot, butter is next to water and salt in terms of necessity.
  22. What on Earth...Don't give those nutcases more ammunition to tell us that the world's leaders are aliens. 🤣🤣🤣
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