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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Well, it's pretty obvious when the animations and everything else has looked the same for the past 4-5 years. They're the ones conning themselves.
  2. I totally agree - they need to concentrate on the gaming aspect of Fortnite rather than trying to make it a political platform. People play games to escape the real world not to encounter the BS they're running away from.
  3. Just like Activision over the last decade eh? I'm not even surprised at this point.
  4. I don't want Disney to ruin every other Marvel series - Captain Marvel among other characters have already been ruined. We don't need them ruining anything else.
  5. I admit that building he built in the video looked amazing but it's just not my kind of game...
  6. If the game works without any bugs, that'd be quite the accomplishment...
  7. This game actually looks promising - I like the fact that they took inspiration from Zelda but didn't downright copy it like a few other games I could name.
  8. It will forever be one of the craziest days in history. I still remember being in the 7th grade and I had flu that day and missed school and seeing it all over the news. The part that got me were the people who couldn't escape from the top so they just jumped.
  9. That's a very valid point. Great point there. I agree - you have to really have a moment of self-reflection and realize that you really needed that change.
  10. Caribbean Islands do tend to have fishing as an industry so sushi is abundant and Taco Bell is available in most countries so Tacos are readily available.
  11. There is the browser plugin Grammarly that can help you sort out a sentence. It's free to use and for the most part, is actually a staple for online customer service agents.
  12. Most modern women dress like her unfortunately and I tend to agree, their fashion sense is very trashy. I wish some of them would actually put on some clothes.
  13. Irish is the next flipping one lol. I don't remember what drink it was but it's pronounced way different than the spelling...
  14. Motion Blur has always been a pain in the butt. Like honestly, who came up with that crap?!
  15. Honestly, I'm so preoccupied playing my games that I hardly take photos unless it's something important.
  16. DMC 5 has great melee combat, Metal Gear Games, Skyrim, Kingdom, Witcher 3 and Onimusha. I could even throw in MMOs like Eden Eternal, Champions Online and Aura Kingdom. Age of Wushu also gets my vote.
  17. There are a fair amount of games I can name like Resident Evil Village, RE 7, A game I really despised but I have to give props in the visual department - Anthem.
  18. That's really sad to hear she's dying. There was a time in Lords Mobile where our kingdom was being raided by a whole family of guilds that just moved in. They were a bunch of assholes and the whole kingdom without discussing a word with each other put our differences aside and drove them out within a week.
  19. At most, it takes me a few hours and normally within an hour I've already learned how to use almost every function.
  20. Depends on the camera angle in the game among other factors. In old Tomb Raider games and some platformers as well, the camera was so clunky that you'd tend to misjudge your jumps and fail all the time.
  21. Have to agree with @Heatman, it's more like a budget for gaming although there are some games that I do set aside money for especially when I know they're coming out in the near future.
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