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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It's been 3 years since this question so the OP may have gotten a new smartphone by now.
  2. Just like MMOs up to 10 years old but are even more predatory in terms of the microtransaction systems. Besides that, they also have less character customization and gender locked classes.
  3. I've never been caught in the act by the cops but I've driven at speeds in excess of 150 mph before when I had my STI. However, I don't so much as a speeding ticket. Have you ever broken traffic rules?
  4. When I was younger - absolutely, If I did something and it didn't come out how the way I wanted, I'd heavily criticize myself but over the years, I've learned to just accept that because I'm imperfect, nothing I do will ever be "perfect". Are you a perfectionist?
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