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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. No wonder you can't find space for those big earrings!
  2. Dolphins and elephants are some of the most intelligent animals you'll ever encounter. Dolphins and Killer Whales have a societal structure similar to humans and they also have the capacity to feel empathy.
  3. I'm more concerned for those employees that came forward to testify against them. I just hope they can find jobs at other gaming companies.
  4. I totally forgot who made it - thanks for reminding me. I'm definitely staying clear of any Konami games - they're nothing but money pits.
  5. Maybe it's Bacon that doesn't splash a lot of oil when being fried - that'd definitely be something worth hiding. 🤣
  6. I said hardcore fans which you clearly aren't. I'm talking the people that think EA can do no wrong no matter what they do - People like this absolutely annoy me because companies don't care about your loyalty. They just want your money and your loyalty will make you a constant stream of income for them.
  7. It's 2021 - how can a mobile device not have Bluetooth? Even the cheapest mobile devices you can think of have Bluetooth and Nintendo shouldn't get a pass on this at all.
  8. You right, I used to turn it off in older games but more modern titles won't save if you're in battle or suffering some kind of damage which has its pros and cons.
  9. Far Cry 5 was a massive disappointment to say the least - the new Far Cry seems like a way more engaging title so I may pick it up again.
  10. I don't think they would do that because they'd be accused of being lazy and Fallout fans would be in an uproar. I'd prefer something more unique...
  11. I mean, I have but I still slip up pretty often. If anything, give me one of the older controls with a billion buttons, I probably wouldn't be making that mistake as much.
  12. Sometimes, I'm just excited to start the game and will try to figure it out while I'm playing so I ignore the instructions.
  13. I do know of a guy that stored his older PS games in one of those CD holders. I mean, it's a decent alternative if you don't have space for the cases but I love reading the manuals and looking at the game art all around the case.
  14. I'm not going to lie, certain games do show their age in terms of graphics. Looking back at some games, I can't believe I thought some of these games were life-like at the time.
  15. Haven't played it in ages - how is the game recently? I haven't really kept up with it that's why I'm curious about its progress.
  16. Battlefield is definitely going to be released because it has a very strong following and EA has a annual quota to meet.
  17. Just like I did with Champions Online and a few other titles, you tend to have to take a break with some games because you'll lose interest very quickly.
  18. Auto Save could be turned on for all I know but I'd still save a million times because it's a habit that I've developed over the course of two decades. I know how unlucky I am in games so I save at every opportunity I get.
  19. That is historically accurate. Honestly, I like detailed character creation systems because I want my characters to fit a certain look - One of them usually is normally a replica of myself so I don't mind it being as detailed as possible.
  20. That's why I didn't mention Adam Jensen from the Deus Ex series because it's not like he's even missing any of his function. As a matter of fact, they made him even faster and stronger.
  21. Have you tried cooking anything in the cookbooks? What did they taste like?
  22. I was irritated about the whole Colonial Marines game because it was indeed misleading but what else could you expect from Randy Pitchford? He's a known scumbag in the gaming industry for lying all the time and being a dick to almost everyone who works with/under him. It must be said though that the DMC reboot has been the bane of my existence - as a dedicated DMC fan, I've never played that game and no one could convince me to do it because it was like a spit in the face.
  23. NFS: Most Wanted and Skyrim SE
  24. Cowboy Bebop The Movie - 9/10
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