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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I like your suggestions - it's a pity valve doesn't listen to the suggestions of their users because it could fix a lot of issues on their platform.
  2. This is the truest representation of Dark Souls to unsuspecting newbies:
  3. You should mate - the story of each game is mind-blowing and complex. Hands-down some of the best storywriting I can remember in any videogame I ever played and you get to see subtle things like the political tension between various groups of society and how some individuals are treated compared to others. It really is a mirror of our world but with a slightly more futuristic twist to it.
  4. It is what it is - my neighbor used to have one but it was modified and it was quick as hell!
  5. That's why I can't wait to see what they'll do with the next Outlast game.
  6. Already has been through the roof and is still going up because with the new Covid variant, more lockdowns are being reinstated such as in my country.
  7. Mortal Kombat really did create an uproar back in the day especially when it just came out. Those were some good times...
  8. It's kinda the lore's fault. The Dragonborn is painted as this powerful demi-god (to be fair, that's how strong you are by the end of the game) that fears nothing and the modded follower is simply going off that.
  9. That's why they need professional help - regular methods are ineffective and gaming has become a hindrance to their life rather than a hobby that you enjoy and that makes it problematic.
  10. Honestly, that'd be a tough one lol. The only game of that nature I remember Capcom having was Socom and iit was great at the guerilla warfare elements. I'ts just that the game became very boring so I'm not sure. That makes a lot of sense given the Vietnam war.
  11. Agreed - I was also disappointed by this as well although from a development standpoint, it may be hard to code in for them.
  12. To be fair, I already knew about the UFO crash site in Fallout 4 given that I've explored every inch of the landscape...
  13. That's a sign of addiction and they'd need to seek some kind of therapy. I do know of a few people who are like that irl and it's disturbing to say the least.
  14. The first and second ones are so me lol. I'll save a trillion times during a gaming session - As a curious person, I'll try to jump to locations that I have no business going to in the first place other than to see if I can get to that location.
  15. That sounds awesome - I have a modded follower in Skyrim that's a berserker and every time I start running around in battle he's like "you're the dragonborn, quit running around and fight like one!".
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