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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. You've already encountered it - Pokemon Go is a somewhat primitive version of AR. It's used to bring virtual elements into the real world. VR is different in that you interact with a virtual space more immersively. Here's a video on AR: and here's a video explaining Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.
  2. Same with my dogs, they hardly touch anything in my house even though they primarily sleep and spend most of their time outdoors.
  3. Agreed - it's one big repetitive grindfest which makes it extremely boring.
  4. It's been a question that's boggled my mind since I was a kid, we're just living to die. It can be argued that each person has to find value in their own lives which I do agree with but there's a part of that still questions the point of all this? What are your thoughts on this?
  5. I'm more of a logical thinker so I tend to follow my head more than my heart as emotions can easily change in an instant and making decisions based on them can put into a lot of difficulties. Which do you follow?
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