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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. And that's why I advocate for unions - they're the lesser of the two evils because at the very least, unions try to find a solution that works for everybody - a somewhat practical one at least. Corporations only want what benefits them.
  2. That's majority of the trolls on the internet nowadays...
  3. I don't mind being a bit serious because I want to win but don't go overboard if things don't work out.
  4. The funniest part is when they die and the dragon corpse just keeps dancing lol.
  5. Metric in Test Drive Unlimited is one of my favorite of all time - I still play it all the time. I also got this song from Fifa 2005: Emma Warren - She wants you back
  6. Nope because gaming consoles will be in more demand due to the pandemic and if we follow the law of demand in economics states that when an item has more demand than supply, the price will increase and continue to see increases the lower the supply.
  7. I know of cordyceps - I actually used to take them. It's used in traditional Chinese medicine and provides waves of energy - it's very good for athletes and helps with recovery. The only thing I didn't like was finding out about how it took over ants and controlled them - just imagine if Chinese scientists were able to somehow modify it slightly - we could have clickers in the real world.
  8. I honestly think the Outlast series was made by some kind of drug user - there's no way somebody just came up with this kind of stuff naturally. Either the creator took lots of LSD or is extremely twisted.
  9. I know, it's triggering the bad memories I had in high school of me having to be careful with every CD I had. That's a bit odd because it worked with mine. Have you tried another PS2 game to see what happens?
  10. Lady D's true form in Resident Evil village - Lady D is so attractive in her humanoid form but once she's transformed, you'd rather go out with a Xenomorph on a date than her.
  11. I've never liked Candy Crush - it was just your average puzzle game that offered nothing unique.
  12. I 100% agree - If Rockstar isn't the one making any official announcements about GTA 6, I pay it absolutely no mind. Besides, Rockstar isn't anywhere near done milking GTA V online.
  13. I never take games too seriously - often times I get accused of doing the opposite and it should be that because games are made to be fun so you should try to enjoy them. Making it into anything more serious takes the fun out of it.
  14. ImgBB is excellent! I've used it a good amount of times in the past and I've never been disappointed...
  15. That sounds pretty dull - I'm not going to lie. We used to have Fifa 21 at work to play so we did that during breaks.
  16. I like when they try to do that to me because then I can torment them continuously until they rage quit. I agree - I never take these people that seriously.
  17. I agree and he kept coming back with some BS power up and abilities we never knew he had.
  18. I've seen it happen a number of times over the years to know it's a bad idea to just bow to their whims.
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