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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. In situations like this, it's always best to follow the "safe"/"logical" choice rather than let greed cause you to make ridiculous decisions.
  2. Buying a game for $60 and then seeing ads with it is the ultimate f-you to us as players. It's totally understandable with Free to play games that need the ad revenue to sustain their game but do EA really need it?
  3. To be fair, I do like their dodgeball game knockout city and I'm kind of looking forward to Battlefield 2042 (looks insane not going to lie) but they need to do better with their monetization practices.
  4. It's actually not a half bad trailer. I mean, we haven't seen any gameplay and the suspense the story tries to convey isn't really convincing so I don't think this will be on my radar.
  5. Some crazy lean drinker that's always fronting on social media...
  6. It's too over-the-top for cartoon graphics and just looks very off to me personally.
  7. I've had my fair share of bad experiences with Amazon on top of noticing their practice of stealing the innovative products that's being sold on their platform, recreating them and selling them under the amazon basics brand for way cheaper effectively being anti-competitive.
  8. I totally agree - with whale spenders out there who will drop $5-$10k and upwards on a single game, companies have no real incentive to change their greedy practices because it's very lucrative.
  9. At this point, I'm not sure what it is myself. We were led to believe that they would be developing a new Silent Hill game only for them to come out and say they weren't when they were asked many times in the past and they could've said no.
  10. I totally agree about GTA V - I've been saying the same thing for years as well but at the very least, Rockstar drops new content for it every now and then - the multiplayer that is (which sucks because the single-player could use some additional content). Skyrim has only maintained its relevance this long because of the modding community and outside of the two DLCs and that mini housebuilding tutorial (there's no way I'll recognize Hearthfire as an actual DLC), Bethesda has done nothing for the game. I wholeheartedly agree that we would like to see actual sequels for both games but I just get the feeling we'll see Skyrim ported to smart appliances before that happens.
  11. I do have it but haven't played it as yet - it's in the list of games I plan to play someday with the other hundreds of games I haven't touched yet...I really should do something with those games.
  12. I usually figure it out because there's always some clue lying around either that or I try to guess which actually works at times.
  13. Yes, it was the one you used in the opening scene but it was the best car in the game and one of the last ones you unlocked. You can check it out right here:
  14. I'd say Capcom has become my favorite in recent years and they've moved away from the greedy microtransaction policies that EA and other have implemented since the 2012 and they give us more content without charging us for those DLCs.
  15. No, I haven't but I've seen people destroy electronics accidentally from being too immersed in the game they're playing.
  16. I think she's referring to the actual classic games - Not the knockoffs trying to imitate them.
  17. Here goes my list of games: Skyrim Fallout 4 Oblivion GTA IV GTA V DMC 5 AOE 2 Sims 4 Just Cause 3 Deus Ex: Human Revolution
  18. My list goes as follows: Rocket League Skyrim Fallout 4 Battlefield 4
  19. You mean the red and black one that got banned for some reason? If I remember correctly it was 1997 right? At least put some kind of narrator like the one they had in DBZ just to make it sound epic or something.
  20. Which country do you live in? Also, that definitely is a long car - Is that a car or a limo lol..
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