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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. MSI creator laptops has always been pretty good for content creators even though it's on the more expensive side of things.
  2. killamch89


    Quite an interesting game - graphically it's excellent but I'm not sure what the aim of this game is. The mechanic of opening new doors in your dreams is a nice touch honestly.
  3. And that's why we can't ever trust them...
  4. The thing is, they probably won't be able to get work again after something like that goes on their record even if they were innocent and that's sad.
  5. Yeah - I was totally bummed out when they integrated Burnout into the NFS franchise. I also miss the SSX series except SSX 2012 because that was total crap but I liked the other games.
  6. Ea's practice of putting ads in games is even worse because you had to pay $60 for said game. You can understand with F2P games as they cost nothing so they have to make up that revenue somehow.
  7. In one of their UFC games in recent years, they did put ads in it but quickly removed it after the backlash they got. It's sickening that the game cost $60 and they still try to squeeze ads in. In this scenario, it's a $60 game I'm talking about.
  8. On one hand, going by his past actions, I'd be led to believe that he's off the lean again which he always is. On the other hand, Atari's history in regards to owners is for the lack of a better word - strange and this would just add to it. As of now though, he's always fronting on Social Media so the skeptic in me just sees this as one of his signature attention-seeking tactics.
  9. Not at all although I can see both sides of the argument because you could change your mind and get something else but you can easily sell the game if you no longer want it. On the other hand, you don't know when that particular game might get a deal in the future - it could be years after you get the console which is rather inconvenient.
  10. In DMC 4, there was this demon with two antennas that looked like to gorgeous ladies and I was like I'd play along with it to lure out the demon. Funny enough, Dante did exactly just that.
  11. Funny enough, I always hang out in Whiterun hold - In particular, around the outskirts of the city or just at the gates because that's normally where all the random vampire attacks and stuff like that always happen and I want to be there for it.
  12. I much prefer multiple solutions because it makes solving it all the more unpredictable and it forces you to really think as a player.
  13. If the outcome is rigged to be the same despite my choices, then I don't think that my choices matter in that title.
  14. I used to have a poster of solid from Metal Gear Solid (I plan to get back one once I move to a new apartment) and I also had a DMC one with Dante & Vergil.
  15. Retro games bring a lot nostalgia with it especially for us older gamers. In addition to that, getting into retro gaming is significantly easier than modern games and they don't have any microtransaction systems so that also makes retro games extremely appealing.
  16. Are we talking realistic in terms of graphics or the settings?
  17. It takes years for me and I'm talking like probably a decade before I completely forget the controls and the minute I start playing again, I instantly remember.
  18. Nope but I knew of someone with it and he used to destroy electronics all the time when he lost at a game or just stop talking to you for months. Honestly, I've not seen him in almost 15 years so I don't know how he ever turned out but that situation made me aware that I have to find balance in anything I do.
  19. Yeah - gaming gives you the ability to live out your wildest imagination and especially games that you can mod, you can let your imagination run wild and create anything.
  20. I'd tend to agree - at least ask if we know what's going on instead of assuming we don't know.
  21. It's the opposite for me because what the NPCs normally say and do is so predictable that I lose interest whereas interacting with people tends to be rather unpredictable by nature which entertains me more. However, I completely understand your point of view because you suffer from social anxiety and most of us have a mild form of it. The key is to just stop overthinking the interaction and just enjoy it for what it is.
  22. Happens more than most people will admit and it's usually somewhere you'd normally not check either. Mine are kept in my safe so I'll always know where to look.
  23. It's true - in Fortnite I got banned for call someone a wimp. After that, I just couldn't be bothered to play it anymore. Doesn't exist in today's world because you'll hurt someone's "feelings". I've seen some teens of this generation get mild cuts and are acting like their arm had been blown off in a war or something. This snowflake mentality grinds my gears to no end.
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