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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I was playing some First descendant Beta today and it's coming along nicely. Granted, I do think some things can still be improved and the game does tend to lag at a few points but it's probably the only looter shooter that I actually like somewhat.
  2. To be honest, I've seen them in Japan as well so I wouldn't say it's unconventional. That was kind of always the plan for robotics to take over a lot of menial jobs.
  3. Agreed. They live in social media 24/7 which isn't really helping them to mature as an individual. Social Media is a useful tool for business. However, it will be the downfall of many generations to come.
  4. There's no way I'm putting Windows 11 on any of my machines. Windows Recall in particular is privacy nightmare. It records EVERYTHING you do on your computer which was already bad enough. That same info isn't secured properly which means Hackers and other unscrupulous actors can access that data which is literally putting all its users at risk of being hacked. They may have disabled it for now but they'll quietly re-enable it in the future once the heat has died down. I'll stick with Windows 10 or try out Linux as my main options going forward. Bazzite is really taking off at the moment and I wouldn't mind that being my first Linux Distro.
  5. I'm still sticking with Windows 10 or moving to Linux. Windows 11 had an AI feature called Recall that would record EVERYTHING you did on your computer and it got so much backlash that Microsoft recalled Recall. To top it all off, a hacker had already figured out how to hack Windows Recall. Based on that hacker's findings, the info that Windows Recall gathered wasn't even encrypted. There's no way I'm putting Windows 11 on any system I have. I don't care if Microsoft no longer supports it. I was thinking of going over to Linux anyways. All in all, Windows Recall is a privacy nightmare.
  6. If given the chance, would you prefer to travel back in time to meet your ancestors or jump forward to meet your great-great-grandchildren? What would you hope to learn or experience from such a meeting?
  7. I've always heard that keeping an open mind is a virtue, but I'm curious if it can sometimes cause problems. Are there situations where being too open-minded can lead to negative consequences, like being easily influenced or losing a sense of identity?
  8. We often hear that hard work and persistence can make anything possible, but sometimes it feels like certain things just aren't meant to be. Have you ever experienced a situation where, despite all your efforts, things just didn’t work out? What were the signs that it was time to let go and move on? Share your stories and insights on recognizing when it's time to accept that something might not be in the cards for you.
  9. I've been thinking a lot about individuality and societal expectations. Do you believe that everyone has something unique and valuable to offer, or is it more practical to conform to society's idea of "normal"? Is there a way to strike a balance? I'd like to hear your thoughts about this.
  10. I've always been fascinated by the idea of fate. Do you believe our lives are predetermined, or do we have complete control over our destinies? Have you ever experienced something that made you think, "This was meant to happen"? Or do you think everything is just a series of random events?
  11. In the hustle of daily life, it’s easy to take things for granted. How often do you stop and appreciate the little things that bring you joy or the bigger aspects of life, like health, family, and stability? Do you have any habits or practices that help you stay grateful?
  12. I've used Tylenol repeatedly over the years for headaches and it's never really helped me. I find that Advil works far better for me in such scenarios.
  13. I agree - we've seen gaming companies use fake gameplay trailers before and when the real game came out, it wasn't anything like what was shown during the announcement or promotion of said videogame.
  14. I haven't done it before. There has been a few games that I thought about getting rid of but I still have them although I don't play them.
  15. Agreed. Most of the games I've seen go for $70 aren't even worth half their price. They're usually filled with all kinds of gimmicky mechanics, lootboxes and half-ass DLC content.
  16. I love how all these parents love blaming everyone else for their kid turning out horribly when most times, those said parents don't even pay any attention to their child or try to get to know them. You'd be surprised how many parents don't know much outside of the basics about their own kids. Thousands of us have played Call Of Duty over the years. How come we're not school shooters as well? Because most of us know that Call Of Duty is just a videogame - a source of entertainment.
  17. Not in a million years. $1m on a skin?! There are so many other things I can think of that I could spend 1m on.
  18. Most of these are coming out this year or sometime next year: Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Mecha Break Gears Of War E-Day Phantom Blade Black Myth Wukong
  19. I have a few especially in multiplayer - toxic players/tryhards/grievers/modders etc. who all make the gaming experience terrible for others. Games with limited character creation options, has multiple "Editions". Games that need day one patches to even be operational.
  20. Not really. However, there are games that have helped me to keep my memory, analytical and coordination skills sharp.
  21. Not in a million years. With the current state of mobile gaming in general, I'd never do it. If you think the microtransaction systems on regular videogames are bad, mobile gaming is a cesspool compared to regular video games.
  22. Ironically, on my first playthrough, I'll watch most of the cutscenes but on replays, I tend to skip them except if they are unskippable.
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