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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Yugioh Pro: Dawn Of A New Era
  2. Agreed - people went missing a lot back in the days and nobody really cared.
  3. Luckily where I live doesn't have any snow and my dogs sleep outside although they do try to sneak into my house at times. Yeah, the mud is pretty annoying to deal with though.
  4. It's hard to argue because you have lots of people who move from all over the US to Florida every year.
  5. I remember in high school after finishing track & field training that I tried smelling my armpit and believe me, the scent almost knocked me out cold. I can deal with the hair but to deal with that? Nope! It's understandable and hair is far more manageable. The worst that could happen is you look like this guy:
  6. And there's the problem, the system itself is corrupt and it's not limited to the US either. Majority of the countries I can think of have a very corrupt justice system so you'd be fighting a losing battle.
  7. Especially when it's coming from your family at such a young age. It's no wonder she has extreme trust issues and it's no fault of her own. Bro that's seriously rough. Did your babysitter's boyfriend get in trouble for that?
  8. Oh trust me - they'd know and out you real quick or try to set you up so that they can falsely charge you and have you locked away for a long time.
  9. Unique rocks are worth loads of money so that's not actually silly - @The Blackangel's idea is on the right track. If you said Twinkie collecting club - no wait! They could go out of business again so they'd be worth a fortune...Collecting nail clipping club is a more ridiculous one and every month you plan a clip by where you run up on someone with horrid toenails and clip them and jump in the getaway vehicle and escape.
  10. How did this become political? All kinds of people believe in all kinds of conspiracies - just look at Flat Earthers. They actually believe that the pictures of the Earth from space is photoshopped and has been photoshopped since the 60s even though Photoshop the program has only been around since the 2000s...
  11. And that's why I have things like applocks on most of the apps on my phone. That way, if even someone were to hack it, they can't access my data or apps without entering the pin.
  12. How'd you dry your phone off? Did it still function after falling into the water?
  13. Firefox focus is far more efficient and is more privacy centric and can use biometric security so that anyone using your phone needs your fingerprint to use it.
  14. I don't think so because they'd do a way better job than what they're currently doing. They should consider using software like this in their planning and maybe they'll handle future outbreaks far better.
  15. I'm not even surprised - Amazon has been doing the same thing to small manufacturers for years. Stealing their product ideas and rebranding them under the Amazon basics title. Amazon are just as horrible as Google and Apple when it comes to stealing projects from other entities and I'm glad that the devs took a stand against Amazon. What are your thoughts on this?
  16. I'm not sure what to make of this game - the environments look great and the characters look alright but I can't really figure out what this game is really about. From what i've seen, it's not that interesting either...
  17. To be honest, I've yet to see anything remotely interesting about this game and thanks for confirming that it's crap.
  18. For the most part I think they'll be fine but I just hope they don't screw this up.
  19. Well the guilty ones totally deserve and I'm glad they're being outed but the innocent people who probably had nothing to do with this but still got caught up in this mess is who I'm sorry for besides the victims.
  20. Outside of a few people, most media outlets have been noticeably quite about this and more people need to call them out on their bs.
  21. The US does already add taxes for such purchases but those are normally passed on to the consumer so that definitely won't bankrupt them.
  22. killamch89

    MSI GF63 Thin

    Well I have a gaming laptop with better specs and the cooling pad makes a world of a difference - believe me.
  23. I mean you can do the same with protonmail - as a matter of fact, I have three different aliases for the same email address. That way, I can organize the emails I get.
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