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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Well you do have a valid point there as well. Most modern parents are absolutely clueless about the responsibility of parenting. I totally agree - it's such an easy way to abolish themselves of all responsibility for their actions and it is ridiculous.
  2. You're off about that, AMD has already caught up to them and is about to overthrow them unless Intel gets their act together. With Apple also making their own processors, Intel is really feeling the heat right now as AMD has gained significant marketshare in the desktop portion of the market and are starting to build up momentum in the laptop segment.
  3. Covid ended that whole vibe. Unless you plan to have your own arcade by building it, you'll never be able to recapture that feeling again.
  4. Although the gameplay can get quite repetitive in Gran Turismo, it's still one of my favorite racing games as well and what really got me into racing games.
  5. He and his offsprings are some of the most brutal fighters I've ever come across in a videogame. They constantly throw each other into lava after defeating them - the way how he and Kazuya and Jin fought each other, you'd never believe they were related in any way.
  6. The Gaming magazines we're talking about are from years gone by as social media has taken their place. Just a decade ago, gaming magazines were all the rage.
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