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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Rocket League and CS: GO
  2. I just know this one is going to be a hit - what silly thing would you start a club for? How many members would you want? What would you do to convince more members to join?
  3. I'd much rather have the out of control body hair for sure. I mean I am a man so what if I have a bit of overgrown body hair? I'll just buy more combs for them. What's your choice and why?
  4. Pajamas to work! Just to imagine getting out of bed, all you have to do is make breakfast and then hop in your car and head for work. You don't even need to bathe lol (I would have one but not everyone is like me). Which would you choose and why?
  5. I'd much rather be the teacher because at least I can help some of the kids turn their life around or change their attitude towards life. Besides, kids would more open up to a teacher than a cop because most cops lack any sort of interpersonal skills and are usually very cold to people from very harsh backgrounds. Which would you rather?
  6. I'd much rather be able to see into my own future because that'll help me to make some better decisions to avoid certain situations. Seeing someone else's future benefits everyone but you. Which would you pick?
  7. I'm just not that interested in it anymore so I've moved on.
  8. Yeah but you also have to take into consideration what you're going to do with it. For instance, when I bought my Galaxy Note 20 Ultra, I wanted a flagship phone that'd allow me to write notes on the fly, can have upgradeable storage so that I can save documents to it as well as other important stuff and just be a complimentary business hub on the go for my lifestyle. I'd have gone with Sony phone instead but certain apps don't work with them so I couldn't.
  9. And people who want to steal your identity, data, and cryptos so you have to be extra careful with these people.
  10. There are also a few other complimentary apps that go with it like Tesla unreader which basically shows you the number of messages you have on a particular app.
  11. It could also fall out of your pocket during a bathroom break (just saying cause it happened to one of my former co-workers lol).
  12. Unfortunately, only members of the current staff will get punished for this so he'll be home and dry.
  13. I totally understand but it's just the other people and their agendas that drove us to our answers lol
  14. That's the main drawback to pets other than when they decide to be mischievous. Cleaning up after my dogs every day does take a bit of a toll on me but I have to do it regardless.
  15. I've been to a couple of cities in Florida and in Tampa Bay they called it pop but in Jacksonville it was called soda. The cultural differences varies quite a bit between cities in the same state.
  16. The part I remembered vividly was the plane rapidly descending towards us as I got a window seat on the left side and that's when I saw the plane coming down only for it to pull up at the last second.
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