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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Yeah - it's such a disgusting practice and also dishonest. They should be called out on their fraudulent activities but the media keeps quiet about this because they're guilty of the same.
  2. I'd say 7.5/10 but the story just got way too complicated for me at times.
  3. Or it could be that because it isn't the original game, it won't function as intended.
  4. To be fair, I used to play Starcraft for a bit back in the day but then lost interest in MOBAs all together and haven't touched them ever since nor will I ever do it again.
  5. Can't exactly remember that line about the teachers and school being in it. It was the public backlash that let them drop the charges - I just know it. The school could've also been sued by the parent since they broke an agreement.
  6. That's a seriously valid point. That sounds like you'd like the old NES controllers back.
  7. I like challenging games and when a game feels like a day at the picnic, I start to lose interest. I'd want to be automatically good at every game but not immediately, I'd like to develop those skills over time.
  8. I can't even argue because that's the only part of the game I've yet to see fail even once...
  9. Totally agree - I serve the greater good but I don't do things by the book. I personally prefer to deal out my own brand of justice.
  10. I'd more say that it's the first time you've seen all the protagonist stories intertwined and see how the choices of one character affects the other protagonists.
  11. So do you still like the modern Fifa games because I don't really like the series anymore because it's full of bugs and glitches.
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