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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Not really and to be honest, it doesn't interest me especially as an adult. Do you know how to do any magic tricks?
  2. Personally, not at all especially since my personal near-death experience almost a decade ago. It's an inevitability so I don't have anything to worry about. I just have to live until I die. Are you scared of dying?
  3. If it's something I have a bit of knowledge about, I'll tend to share, telling them the pros and cons but ultimately let them decide what they want since it'll affect them. If I don't know, I'll blatantly state it. What would you do in this situation?
  4. Honestly, I'd go with the horse just for the kicks and besides, I really want to get into horse riding. I used to have a bike so I've been there done that and it's fun, but it's also excessively dangerous. Cars are cars - take what I said about the bike and times 10. Which would you rather?
  5. Do you prefer the hot sun and sandy beaches or the absolutely frigid Alaskan temperature?
  6. That's rather excessive lol Even in my younger days I wasn't so bad when it came to soda. Food on the other hand, disappeared out of every storage area in the house.
  7. Or you could just wash one hand 🤣. On a more serious note, that's actually pretty nifty - you just have to make sure that the hand is free at all times.
  8. Wow - I never ever thought to take it that far in a relationship. Anytime I'm done I just walk away and never look back. If it doesn't work out it's not meant to be. On another note, I actually witnessed my first murder at about four and that has stayed with me since,
  9. I looked it up and Snakes on a plane was based on the events of 9/11. It's amazing how Hollywood will turn anything into a movie for profit.
  10. I do have a fair bit of white gold and I'm not selling them until I have a good enough amount.
  11. I can choose to ignore them and besides if anyone sets foot on my property I can make them "disappear".
  12. If this was in effect when I was younger, I'd probably be dead within a year or two. Nowadays, I tend to be far more reserved with kisses.
  13. I'd rather be stung repeatedly by wasps than get a papercut, I swear. I've been stabbed multiple times before and it's still less painful than a papercut. If the CIA was smart, they'd torture their prisoners by giving them papercuts, they'd snitch pretty fast 🤣
  14. In recent years, the same thing has happened. I only remembered my birthday because my friends planned surprise parties for me and I got a lot of calls and messages.
  15. Until those strays get checked out by a vet, I'll try to limit interaction because they could have rabies and stuff like that.
  16. Personally, it depends on many factors for me. If they were misguided in their actions, do they truly regret it? Were they being manipulated and if so, are they susceptible to future manipulation as well? Among other serious questions. Some people don't deserve it all and I wouldn't think to grant them such a luxury - Being that I've done things in my past that by right I shouldn't get a second chance but I did, I learned from my mistakes.
  17. I can play truth because I don't like to lie. That being said, the dare is more unpredictable, there's no telling what you'll get yourself into and that's why I like both.
  18. It's basically subliminal programming - they put out some BS and if you start believing it, you start to subconsciously act and do things that are on it and then you get the same results as the horoscope and then you'll just go further and further into it until it controls you.
  19. Same in my case - I've done some pretty crazy thing as a child myself lol.
  20. Not one bit - I've yet to see an actual superstition come through. It's just unnecessary fear as I'm concerned - well most of them. One exception is the Rosehall Great House, it's haunted. Every time I've been to that place my spiritual senses go haywire and all kinds of bizarre stuff happens especially at night.
  21. I do agree that it'll take closer to 15-20 years before Cinemas completely get phased out. I wouldn't mind a cinema experience right now but co-vid makes it impossible for me. I miss sneaking in food lol. I even miss the gum under my seat that messes up my pants. I get the feeling if they modify their approach like VR helmets, I think they'd reel in a lot of the younger generation because VR headsets are very expensive especially the high quality ones.
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