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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I run linux and other OS on them - it's absolutely amazing what you can do with it.
  2. That's what I'm doing but these are the ones that constantly come up...
  3. The graphics aren't that bad - I actually like it but the gameplay isn't any better than its competitors.
  4. killamch89


    What really nice looking game - the graphics are breathtaking! It looks like a fun little game too...
  5. Seems like a cool game but is that some kind of altering ability he uses to transform enemies into platforms?
  6. Yeah Dave2D is one of my favorite tech YouTubers for his unbiased reviews on tech products. I like that he's not afraid to call out some companies on their BS when they try to fool us the consumers.
  7. Haven't played Dragon Quest in years - I definitely need to get back into it...
  8. Preordering videogames right now is like putting a loaded shotgun to your leg and squeezing the trigger and pray that the gun jams so that you don't lose that leg.
  9. The games that were made for some of these cartoons were so substandard that they shouldn't even count as official videogame releases. Companies typically only go with what's trendy because it makes money for them - money is their primary concern. Everything else doesn't matter.
  10. That's a fact, you'll be excited for about a week and in a month, you want even more. There's nothing wrong with that but you have to keep yourself in check or else you may go overboard trying to get something new and end facing some serious consequences for your actions.
  11. All of mine have been sold or given away but I'll always remember the fun I had with those machines.
  12. I've been through a somewhat similar situation with a friend of mine and you just have to push on but use their death as motivation to go further beyond your limits.
  13. There were so many copy and paste puzzle games around that time that it'd be impossible to really find one that stands out amongst them.
  14. It's more the boredom factor for me - I get bored quite easily when something doesn't get my attention and so I'll start tuning it out.
  15. I just hope some studio considers making a game like that...
  16. Doing one of these tutorials feels like watching one those kids shows such as Barney which is for 5 year-olds
  17. I'd totally love that kind of gameplay but anything else and it'll be an absolute flop. Keep in mind that most gamers are very skeptical of superhero games because they normally suck or are average at best.
  18. I'll at most sigh but then I'm okay after that - it really doesn't bother me lol. It'll just force me to improve.
  19. Those handholding tutorials annoy me I can't lie and I despise microtransactions. I also love to play games at the hardest difficulty and I hate when they make you play at normal! Like dude, let me have my fun...
  20. I'm not a big fan of puzzle games either at least most of them but to be honest, I would take neither those or Minecraft.
  21. From what I learnt, it was mainly pre-built PCs that didn't meet certain energy standards and that's why Dell machines along with a few others aren't shipped to those states.
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