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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Oh yeah, you did say you were a Masochist - ehhh. Since there are underaged people on this forum, it's probably not a wise thing to disclose. Make them learn about that somewhere else...
  2. Nope - Jayz had owned Tidal and sold it off pushing his net worth to way over 1 billion (he was at one billion prior) while Beyonce is at 420m currently.
  3. That's a fact - I have been stung by a hive of ordinary wasps as a child and it hurt so much. Hornets are far worse and I've seen what their sting can do to your flesh but imagine something like white phosphorus that governments use in chemical warfare. That stuff melts your flesh while not outright killing you immediately making you look like a zombie.
  4. The most I've gone with is black on black and that's when I don't want people to be able to identify me but I usually like to have at least two or three colors on at any one time.
  5. I'd rather the colorblind - can you imagine having food without taste? That's what makes food so appealing - the various flavors.
  6. Infinite wishes still doesn't work across Parallel Universes - sorry. To be honest, my three wishes are: immortality, my own planet and Godlike abilities.
  7. I do agree with this for the most part but sometimes, things might happen where they might've been unable to take care of you and as a result, chose to put you up for adoption rather than having you suffer for their shortcomings. That being said, I'd still prioritize my current family because they're the ones that raised me.
  8. I find that I do the most BS when it's close to bedtime. I think you need an organizer to help you plan out what to prioritize so that you can stay focused on what's really important.
  9. My ex from the 9th grade was stalking me up to 5 years ago until I moved to the other city. For some time she used to bother my friends and even went as far as to try and message me big bro asking for my location which he swiftly blocked her ass.
  10. I'd much rather run a Sanctuary for animals than a zoo because at least they can live more naturally with nature around them instead of idiots just annoying them all day and then some idiot might try to climb into their enclosure....
  11. I've been without both for good amounts of time due to hurricanes or other storms but the electricity one is more tolerable for me. After a few weeks without water, I start to become extremely grumpy lol.
  12. I have had a few sneezing fits and it feels like absolute torture but just imagine having to sneeze every 3 minutes...You could be cook and you sneeze and a hot pot of boiling water is all over you and now your skin is burning like hell - no thanks.
  13. You are who you are - don't let other people put you down about your appearance or anything you have because it's what you like. Most of those people are probably insecure about their own looks as well and are just projecting.
  14. Yeah - we did cover this in a thread under the Gaming News subcategory. Honestly, I care about the customers/player's data but I couldn't care less about EA or feel any sympathy for them.
  15. That's the only time I ever honestly thought I've went too far in a video game. It was the way how their flesh was molted and the absolute look of horror on the refugee's face that really shook me. It was a well done scene.
  16. I agree totally - most of the gates had the same interior layout except some were inversed while some had a few changes but for the most part, they all were pretty much the same.
  17. Well we wouldn't know because the game isn't out as yet.
  18. It looks amazing but I doubt it'll gain that much traction because it's coming out in such a saturated market with no unique features from what I've seen. Yes, it'll have a market but it'll need to bring something else to the table in order for people to choose it over other games.
  19. Dave2D's assessment of the Oled Switch is a fair one. Check out the following video:
  20. I wouldn't necessarily say Facebook, It'd be more along the lines of HBO because HBO also did sports at one point back in the days as well. The thing with the Sports category is how do they plan to compete with companies like Amazon in that category.
  21. And now the President of Blizzard has left the company as well - this might actually go somewhere for once..
  22. As I said in my post previously, their only acknowledgement of people with mental challenges is to exploit them for money because they can prey upon that.
  23. I can't remember a game that has every done anything like that either and it'd be refreshing if someone did.
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