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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Where'd you get the idea to use the Q-tip and rubbing alcohol from? How long did before you noticed any results?
  2. Honestly the first showing of Halo Infinite was pretty poor compared to what they promised so of course people were going to complain. It was Microsoft who made all these outlandish claims prior to its reveal. Companies should promote their games honestly instead of going overboard with promises and then you won't have as many complaints.
  3. Honestly, I'd say Saints Row: The Third but I just can't seem to get around to it lol.
  4. It seems active enough and you can usually always find people to play with. Having said that it is a bit P2W but it's nothing too outrageous like other F2Ps. It's actually a bit more subtle and I'm still enjoying it. As for being better than Twisted Metal, Yes and No. I said the same thing when I learned of it the other day - "how comes I hadn't discovered this game years ago?" There is the occasional lag but nothing too serious.
  5. I don't know why anyone would be ashamed of their game collection - if it's your passion, you have the right declare it proudly regardless of what non-gamers think.
  6. How can you play Among Us for the rest of your life. Wouldn't you get bored? Oh yeah, that would be torture...nevermind lol.
  7. I'm not going to lie, those Los Santos people are definitely realistic as hell because LA people tend to be really aggressive.
  8. In terms of price to performance, it's hard to argue there and Apple's accessories are also ridiculously overpriced so most Apple devices are out of the range of many people's budget.
  9. In addition to that, Rollable devices as of now are just way more practical than foldables without as many compromises.
  10. My sentiments exactly - I could never take those gaming phones seriously. Yes, it might be a tad more powerful than even most high-end flagships (Negligible if you ask me) but they also come with way more drawbacks that are too long to count and the support for devices as well as their durability is laughable at best. As I always said, gaming phones are a gimmick and I'll continue to preach that. As for mobile gaming...it's a cesspool which has some of the most predatory microtransactions known to man. Everybody cries about EA and Activision's games but they have nothing on these mobile games.
  11. You'll be fine as long as you have a high metabolic rate and exercise often enough.
  12. Just don't go punching holes in the wall or your TV while playing VR. Or running into walls for that matter like this:
  13. It helps me to think about solutions to issues without being distracted - contradictory I know but here me out. When I'm gaming to get my mind off a particular issue, I subconsciously start figuring out a solution and somewhere during that session, I come up with the solution.
  14. True and the NPCs in RDR2 are nowhere as aggressive as GTA V. Although, now that I think about it, it is realistic because if a cop crashes into you in the US, they'll try to arrest you - that in itself is pretty realistic.
  15. That's what I'm saying - I can't remember 5 games I actually bought for full price especially at launch and I've bought hundreds of games.
  16. You can literally build your vehicles from scratch with all kinds of crazy customization. So far, it feels like a modern day Robocraft which isn't a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination. As a matter of fact, that's probably why I took such a liking to it immediately. So far, it has been a blast. You can watch the video down below: It's funny how I've never ever seen this game anywhere and it's been out for about 5 years or more and I'm always looking for fun F2P games.
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