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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Donkey Kong Country was a great game - probably the best Donkey Kong game of the bunch barring the Donkey Kong 64. I can think of much worse games on the SNES than that...
  2. To be honest, the PS5 situation has become way better than last year because I'm seeing more and more PS5s being available at MSRP on some retailer sites.
  3. Facial Recognition technology especially in this circumstance was never needed. All they had to do was have the parents use some sort of timer to manage their children's gaming sessions.
  4. I've seen they're about to release a Guardians Of The Galaxy live service shooter as well and I expect it to be just as terrible.
  5. I'm not going to lie, I never thought this game would survive after the first season and the initial controversies but it's actually getting a third season now and it's on the Switch. I'm glad when a company can learn from its initial screw ups and become much better.
  6. It's not any bigger either - the most notable change is the OLed panel. Is it really worth the extra $50 though?
  7. Once Sony is involved, there'll most certainly be another fee involved - I just wonder if they'll pass all of it onto us consumers, a portion of it or they'll eat the cost - at least in the short term.
  8. Government regulation is the only way we'll get any sort of changes and that comes with its own set of problems especially with governments that lack any kind of understanding of the gaming industry.
  9. He's the former exec so he'll probably not get as much heat as the current exec but something like this has been going on for years so I hope they do sue him as well.
  10. I've seen dogs eat their own pups before as well - I still haven't gotten an answer but I suspect it's when they realize that their pups won't be properly looked after that they decide to go that route. This was my friend's dog though - mine always had 11 pups at a time lol.
  11. In cases like this it's always good to move out because you're no longer the owner of the house - you're the tenant now.
  12. Are you fasting or something? I haven't really gone past a day in a good while now.
  13. To be fair, I've only ever seen one tornado and that was in Colorado - I don't ever remember where we were going but it did touch down somewhere in the distance and started moving and within 5 minutes it was gone! However, I did see a bunch of "stormchasers"(that's a fancy way of spelling retard if you ask me) heading in its direction and one of them even said "I was hoping something would happen". When I see disasters outside, I always keep myself inside where it's safe because flying debris can do some serious damage.
  14. Well everyone's case is different - I like my personal space so I don't allow anyone to go through my phone and neither would I go through my partner's phone.
  15. If I even see a roach in my house, I'll literally turn the whole house upside just to find and kill it because I don't want them breeding in my house. My old home as a kid had its fair share of roaches and rats but it was never to the point of the whole house covered in roaches. I'd light everything on fire the minute I see one too many...
  16. As I was writing this one, I remembered watching some tv series with house that had roach infestations and in one of the houses. the guy opens the fridge covered with roaches and I kid you not, one of the roaches was doing a backstroke in a container of water. The whole time I'm like "how do you go inside a place like this without a flamethrower?" I'd have just throw gas over everything and burn down the house.
  17. That too but it'd be hilarious to hear what the rock would say if he drunk - I'm pretty sure I'd die of laughter.
  18. I'm not so worried about it because anything can happen...
  19. The third nipple would likely draw more unwanted attention than its worth so I'd go with the extra toe as well.
  20. I totally agree - partners tend to buy clothing based on their emotional state at the time and they may not like the look of it down the road ( I saw this happen to a friend back in high school). I'd also take the gift card.
  21. My choice of song would definitely be the following: This just seems so appropriate for the scenario. What song would you choose?
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