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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Koloktos - Zelda Skyward Sword - this fight was amazing because he has six arms but his attacks and skills were pretty unpredictable but once you started to use the dungeon item (which was a whip in this case) you could rip off his hands one by one until it exposed his weakpoint to attack. Of course, he could regenerate his hands rather quickly so you really have to make every hit count.
  2. That does sound pretty boring and just doing uninteresting quest in that kind of world becomes really stale rather quickly...
  3. Use frenzy spells in towns/cities and watch the townsfolk and guards kill each other and because some are essential the fight usually is never-ending. And then lure a dragon into that situation and it's nothing but chaos!
  4. The original Devil May Cry hasn't lost its shine even though it's 20 years old. The original NFS: Most Wanted is still an amazing racing game and can still get me excited after playing it for over 16 years.
  5. What kind of game is it? This just sounds like some Kinky Japanese game for some reason...
  6. Yeah, cheating definitely sucks and the part that turns me off the most is when they try to blame the other person for their actions.
  7. In the words of the famous Jim Ross " that's gotta hurt!".
  8. I'll occasionally eat some KFC or Subway/Quiznos or a Pizza but I haven't eaten Burger King in almost 4 years.
  9. At the rate of deforestation, I'd give it 20 years until we'll have to live in bubbled cities with oxygen generators just to survive. Greedy humans never carry about their own wellbeing much less the wellbeing of others, money is their life - nothing else.
  10. If you live in a mountainous area, hurricanes aren't going to do that much damage at all and at the very least, you have enough time to prepare for a hurricane. Tornado warnings give you 30 minutes if you're lucky.
  11. Government is never "for the people" - it's usually for enslaving their people and brainwashing them to stay that way and the government will do anything to maintain that power. Notice how governments never have an issue turning the lethal weapons on their citizens the minute there is even the slightest resistance from their citizens.
  12. To be honest, the warning signs were there. Remember that they had made a grand announcement a month ago talking about going the free-to-play route with their games. However, this was even more disappointing than the worst thing I could envision them doing - this even surpasses almost any crappy game from EA I can remember in recent history. It's more the representation of the characters involved - they claim it's made from several Tom Clancy character but they haven't accurately represented those characters very accurately or the universe itself. I do agree it'll be ignored by the majority.
  13. Same - Remember that McDonalds had chicken in storage that didn't rot until it was exposed. I've been trying to cut back on fast food in recent years but McDonald's has been off my menu for quite some time now.
  14. I've had one of those falls before - yeah, it'll definitely make you sleep more carefully...
  15. My sentiments exactly - solving global warming or at least destruction of the natural habitat would take priority because some of those bacteria are responsible for keeping the air we breath clean and the plants also. In addition to that, sea plankton and other fish are responsible for keeping our oceans and other bodies of water clean and sustain many other species of life.
  16. Florida is even worse - I remember learning to traverse Fort Lauderdale and when I took the bus after a couple of hours, the sun completely zapped my energy. I literally had to camp out in malls for hours at a time until it was cooler to head back to my brother's place.
  17. Wait, so you're 78 now? lol Imagine not being conscious for a decade? It would take a lot of relearning just to do basic tasks and there's no guarantee that it'll go completely smooth either.
  18. I'll take the hunting and gathering for my food - Most of the McDonald's food items taste like crap so I'd much rather go gather my own food. DO you agree with my choice?
  19. Due to my ethnicity, a mullet wouldn't fit me anyways so I'll definitely go with being bald because I've done that once or twice in recent years. Would you rather have a mullet for a year or be bald (no wigs!) for six months?
  20. I live in the Caribbean where the sun can get pretty hot especially during the summers and I've done intense labor under the hot sun before and I managed just fine so I'll pick that. What's your choice and why?
  21. Personally, I'd much rather be in jail - at least I am conscious for most of the 5 years. Being in a coma must be the worst feeling in the world and even after you wake up, you'll have to relearn walking, talking and other movements which can span over a next couple of years. Which one would you choose?
  22. Narcissistic, selfish, entitled, negative, toxic and mean people really turn me off - their mere presence drives me up a wall. What is a relationship deal breaker for you?
  23. My choice would be solving the issue of the mistreatment of this planet and the other inhabitants of said planet (animals,plants, etc.). Without those creatures and plants, we'll soon go extinct as well. What problem would you dedicate your life to solving?
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