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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. When I used to watch hockey back in the day, I mainly watched the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim.
  2. It something about adding the best performing players to a team each week - that's about as much as I know.
  3. I'm at the boss fight with Lady D in her true form. Now I know why my mom said that I need to know a woman inside and out - her transformation scared the living daylights out of me 🤣🤣
  4. Resident Evil Village and DMC 5
  5. I did find it a few days ago - lol it's a neat one to be honest and you'd easily miss it because it's so inconspicuous.
  6. That's a valid concern because the media tends to like distorting aspects of the truth to portray a particular culture as "evil" or "radical" when in reality, their own people are behind some of the most radical events in history.
  7. Skyrim's start is extremely tedious and drawn out. It would turn off almost anyone but once the game really got going after you escaped Helgen, it's a pretty good game.
  8. On a technicality - no. However, what I will say is that certain aspects of architecture such as 3-D models for buildings and other stuff does overlap with the architecture. If you mean in terms of video game Architects - then yes.
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