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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. There's PES and it's better than Fifa in almost every way barring the official licenses of the various clubs which EA have exclusive rights to.
  2. There's even a guy who bought an M3 and tuned his car just like that with the same body kit and everything. Take a look if you don't believe me...
  3. It's true that maybe disputes could be settled virtually instead of physically possibly saving some people but we've see it many times as well where a beef may start in-game but they decide to make it physical and attack each other over a single game. Gaming can only do so much to ease your issues because you'll still have to confront them once you stop playing so it won't change much.
  4. Totally agree with both of you - it's utterly irrelevant as of now because hardly anyone watches it anymore and companies can simply host their own event. Besides that, journalists can't try to persuade people to buy one game or shun another because of their biased views.
  5. We've all been there especially when we first learned how to build PCs.
  6. I got a good one now - How about you put both fighters in an arena with a raised platform in the middle of the ring and hungry lions surrounding it. The fight would initially start out as a fist fight but the longer it goes on, random weapons would be tossed onto the platform for the combatants to use. Keep in mind that there'd be a time limit so if one doesn't kill the other by then, the platform would drop the contestants into the regular arena with all those hungry lions and they'd be torn to pieces.
  7. So it's pretty obvious that society as we know it would be an absolute anarchy and would never be the same if this was to happen.
  8. Yep - instead of serving the citizen of its nation, the government enslaves its populace instead.
  9. Just get a cheap Lexus or Toyota, these things last for years and they hardly cost anything to maintain them.
  10. I also have some big feet - bigger than both of my parents lol. My parents reacted like this when they saw my feet:
  11. For the life of me I can't remember what Siracha is and that's why I chose ketchup.
  12. Those nuclear bombs were absolute overkill. I'll admit that much - and they have the nerve to say they're heroes when it was mainly the innocent that suffered irregardless of nationality.
  13. Honestly it'd be hard to explain but it's not quite like the metallic silver we know and it doesn't trigger any allergies (unless we count the drastic boost to the immune system which can cause you sneeze a bit at times). To be honest, I'm also allergic to silver metals (I think I could be a vampire) but colloidal silver is the only compound that hasn't triggered mine.
  14. I'm not kidding that I saw a woman literally pull out a dinner plate with a sub sandwich out of her purse in the movie theater when I was younger. Honestly, I was so shocked 🤣
  15. To be honest, I haven't done much work in regards to consoles but I did find this video.
  16. I can't help myself - Food is such an interesting topic that never grows old... Wait - that was you?!
  17. I sell all my possession because these are things that can be regained whereas replacing an organ is damn near impossible. What are your thoughts?
  18. I'll take the ketchup because I put ketchup on most things anyways or use it in my cooking. What would you choose and why?
  19. I'll take the feet because I don't need shows and after a while, I might be able to step over ravines with the size of my feet. What's your choice and why?
  20. Well if my impersonator is doing amazing things, I'd begrudgingly take the credit in this instance because for all I know, that money I keep finding could come from things like child exploitation. What's your choice and why?
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