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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Honestly, it depends on my mood. Sometimes, I'll want to rip up the roads and other times, I don't necessarily mind someone else driving. What's your choice?
  2. I always would pick the loyal friend because their financial status doesn't mean that they'll have my best interest at heart in times of need.
  3. Most fast food places tend to stick to the mundane - very few will ever try to go outside of the norm for fear of losing profit. It's sad but that's a reality in any competitive business.
  4. The price to performance for most Nvidia GPUs has always been terrible but with the current pandemic and scalpers running rampant, it's made that margin even worse.
  5. I agree and the thing is, Frostbite is a notoriously difficult engine to code for - the developers of Anthem can attest to that.
  6. You see the issue we have with Fifa is that the same bugs that have been present in the game over the past 5-6 years are still there, hardly any improvements over that time period, they keep re-adding features from older games and calling it revolutionary and sell it to us at a premium price. That's why most of us complain about it. I used to love Fifa as a kid but EA has been really falling off with this series since 2014.
  7. I personally feel like it's the one NFS title that everyone I know still plays even occasionally. I used to play that game a lot with my friends as well - those were the days...
  8. I probably could've gone into streaming in the 2014-15 period when platforms like Twitch were coming around and make some GTA YouTube videos since I used to play it everyday back in the days, I'd probably have had a big presence in that space.
  9. To an extent, I'd have to agree especially when you and a character share some very distinctive personality traits as well as a similar philosophy. We tend to see ourselves in that character and we become more attached to them.
  10. You mean in-game distractions or outside interference?
  11. I agree especially when you're at a younger age and you have the attention span of a goldfish, reading becomes really boring real quick.
  12. I wouldn't mind at all - I'd want to go on one of the Nintendo ones or maybe a Sony one.
  13. Well, the stigma around gaming has been rapidly changing over the last decade and a half so this may soon be a reality. Personally, I don't think it will change most things about people - they'll still have their malicious, narcissistic and selfish attitudes and if you play any MMOs, it's usually very apparent.
  14. The concrete jungle is still a jungle - just saying... Hyrule's a nice place to live - I can't lie.
  15. What does Falafel contain? I already am aware of egg drop soup.
  16. I'd have to say my love ones as I don't know anything about that child. For all we know he could grow up to be the next Epstein.
  17. Knowing most people, they'd probably want to look like a clone - you see it all the time on social media. They sound and act like each other and it's just weird.
  18. Or have a bunch of idiots blocking the road thus holding up traffic.
  19. Actually there's a more recent one that was released in 2019 but it has a built-in oxygen supply and some other things. However, I don't think it can dive that deep as yet as it can't handle that tremendous amount of pressure in the deepest oceans.
  20. If I'm not mistaken, that's some kind of screen sharing feature. Video editing does take some time but with practice you'll develop your own unique style after a while. What kind of software are you planning to use for editing your videos?
  21. Some of those styles seem to be making a comeback in recent times. I also love 80s music...
  22. What does that contain? That sounds like a very tasty dish - I'll definitely have to check it out. Come to think of it, I think I've heard this somewhere before but I can't tell where...
  23. You could start an teleporting service carrying people to their destinations in almost an instant. You'd be extremely wealthy. Reading minds is going to annoy you after a while when you know some of stupid stuff people have on their minds. That teleport ability could make you lots of money by offering a teleport service - you'd be rich beyond belief.
  24. That's a very good point. Yes - vegetables and things made from vegetables.
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