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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Well I'd rather the two people fight to the death while wearing identical clothing. There's no way your going to get me to wear what everyone else has on. What would you pick and why?
  2. Some of us also dream for a better world but quickly realize the flaws of humanity's ways - our species seems hellbent on destroying everyone and everything include our own without a second thought about the repercussions of our actions.
  3. Hands down the best fight of the series and the choreography was amazing!
  4. MGS V, DMC 5 and Rocket League
  5. It wasn't until the original RDR that I really had any kind of interest in Western games - up until this point, other games from the genre were extremely subpar.
  6. To be fair, GTA tends to release their sequels even 5-7 years barring this current version which has been ongoing since 2013 and no sequel in sight. I have to agree - EA and Ubisoft speeches every year claim that this iteration of their games will be "revolutionary".
  7. Some time in the early 2000s when this was still a widely known trend - I used to have loads of fun with this.
  8. That's awesome to hear. I'd have to agree - I already read a lot as it but if I wasn't into video games. I'd spend a lot more time reading.
  9. Same here - I usually tend to help newbies get up to speed in some MMOs. As a matter of fact, I will hang around the newbie area on purpose to prevent other high-levelled players from picking on them.
  10. Maximum security prisons are no joke - I had a cousin die in 3 days of getting locked up there. They hold some of the most horrific individuals known to man and they'll literally kill over anything.
  11. My sentiments exactly - depending on how a game implements it, I'll either like it a lot like in Resident Evil or annoyed by it like in some COD missions.
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