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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. If these were your only two choices, which one would you rather eat and why?
  2. When it was finally revealed that Nero was Vergil's son in DMC 5. I mean the biggest clue was Nero wielding Vergil's sword Yamato when only Vergil and Dante could previously wield it because only descendants of Sparta had the power to. There were other little hints such as timing and Vergil's last known location in DMC 4.
  3. I'd be happy if there wasn't another Fifa game released because everyone that has been released in recent years has been an extremely marginal upgrade on the previous game and all EA is doing is milking its customers.
  4. Honestly, it depends on the personality of the particular love interest and how well they compliment the character. Otherwise, I just put their names in a raffle and I pick one lol.
  5. I'd like a Miraak backstory as in from the time of his birth to his fight with some dragon priest and how he came to meet hermaeus mora and what exactly transpired in the convo that led to Miraak accepting his offer. Yes, I know the story covers some of this but it's basic info - I want to see it through Miraak's eyes.
  6. I agree with open-world RPGs. You get free food from all kinds of items and money as well - Other than the occasional overtly hard boss fight or the douchebag of a toxic PVPer, life would be pretty good.
  7. I'll definitely be adding this one to my list as it does have quite an extensive list of games. I notice that there aren't any Nintendo games though...I'm kidding, I don't want be sued 2.1m like that guy from Rom universe either.
  8. It's Spyro - how does a dragon with wings know not how to fly? His voice is annoying and his design looks goofy as hell and his jokes aren't even funny. Most annoying character by a mile.
  9. Committing crimes in video games is pretty fun for the most part but irl, you'll likely end up dead or in jail being someone's bitch. In video games, you can jump from extremely high structures and barely receive a scratch while you'd be a huge stain of blood on the pavement in real life.
  10. It's difficult to say because games weren't the only thing that influenced me throughout life. I'd say that while I did learn a few lessons from video games as well especially Metal Gear, I think for the most part, I'd be identical to the person I am today.
  11. This scene with them using white phosphorus on the refugees they were supposed to save genuinely moved me. This has to be one of the first times in a viedo game that I felt any kind of regret for my actions.
  12. That sounds very interesting and math takes a lot of brainpower but oddly enough I was always good at it for some reason.
  13. Same here - I whole income comes from the internet so I have to stay connected at all times.
  14. The Cryptkeeper from Tales Of The Crypt skit in Robot Chicken always kills me.
  15. Well I'm not so crazy with the spices but spicy food is a necessity of the human race. I can't think of what makes you more human than eating spicy foods.
  16. I think he meant told but probably mistyped it. I remembered punching a hole through my room door when I was growing up - I used to have plenty of anger issues from my parents constantly fighting and also butting head with my big brother. I'm way calmer now though.
  17. Sometimes, you have to be comfortable with being alone because that's how it's going to be at times. Secondly, the internet will have to be your main source of finding people who share your common interest. I make friends all the time through playing online video games or forums - some I've known for over a decade and have played multiple online games with. Social Media is a very crazy place to meet people because most of the people on these platforms are unscrupulous/liars/scammers so you have to be extremely careful. Sometimes, going outside of your comfort zone is what brings about positive changes in life.
  18. I'd cure the disease as well. That's my sentiments exactly - you'd have enough money for pretty much anything you want to do. Existing deadly disease and you'd be famous for that.
  19. I can't believe anything EA says - they lie about almost anything so I'm waiting to hear more detailed info before I believe them that no personal info was leaked. On another note, I couldn't care less what happens to EA because they're a toxic entity in the gaming industry and they need to be dissolved.
  20. Be honest - the fart is more hilarious especially if it doesn't smell. The burp on the other hand, Yeah I've seen people trying to burp and started vomiting. Definitely not a fan of that one.
  21. Fair enough - it's just that I'm concerned with travelling to a foreign planet and then the technology fails on a barren planet.
  22. That's a very insightful poem and very true - greed will lead to the eventual end of the human race.
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