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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I don't attack my own teammates - at least not intentionally. Sometimes they may just get caught in the crossfire but it's not something I practice to do at all.
  2. I was once using the alien gun in GTA online and was in a shootout and I accidentally aimed it at the ground which sent me flying. Coincidentally, a fighter jet just started firing their machine guns lighting up everyone on that street. The guy that I was fighting got caught in it while I just happened to get out of the way at the right moment.
  3. I'd actually like to know how many hours I spend exploring because I hardly keep track of that and I can tell it's a considerable amount of time because I'm always shocked at how much time has passed.
  4. Some of them are my Facebook friends and we still message each other every now and then. As a matter of fact, me and a couple of them play GTA online together whenever we're online at the same time.
  5. That's my point exactly, Almost every other job in the gaming industry is absolute crap with zero benefits while the CEOs are the only ones that benefit regardless of the circumstances. As I said in other threads, I'd never take a job in the gaming industry because of how much abuse is dealt out to the majority of workers in the industry and you can't get unionized.
  6. The best driving mechanics is a toss-up between GTA, NFS, Gran Turismo, and Forza. As a matter of fact, there are plenty of other games that have very good driving mechanics. In my opinion, the worst driving mechanics in a video game is Cyberpunk 2077 - it is infuriating!
  7. They always say I excel at tactically outsmarting my opponents and am very good at luring people into traps that I set up. That's right, I'm a trapper...a trapsta...what would I call myself? lol
  8. In Champions Online, I've had close to 1000 pvp fights and I've only ever lost 6 of them and that was before me reaching max level and getting proper gear. I'd become quite indestructible after that. However, I did have about 297 draws and majority of those was me fighting me friend. We'd literally fight everyday for at least 1 hour everyday for close to a year and we've never beaten each other once.
  9. I think I also need to take one as I am feeling a bit burnt out myself and plus things are about to get busy again for me.
  10. It has so many rage compilations because of how ridiculously difficult it is. I've only beat it once and I'm not willing to go down that road again lol.
  11. I find that Hardware Unboxed really goes in-depth about certain things in a very non-biased manner. Even Linus recommends their videos when certain topics of interest come up.
  12. That's what I think they were going for anyways - that being said, most gaming laptops are also sold out so it'll be hard getting your hands on one of these.
  13. Oh okay - I can't really speak about that part because I've never really bought anything from them before. As a matter of fact, I only found out about them when I was looking for Origins from EA in a google search and ended to finding their website.
  14. The player count is dangerously low now as the community continues to protest so it'll be finished by the end of the year.
  15. That almost looks like some kind of battle royale game with one player being the Predator. It looks quite fun though...
  16. That's what it is for me on certain occasions especially when I've had a very strenuous workout that day. Sometimes, I'll get up and say to myself why does it look like it's midday when I went to bed at 10 - 11pm only to realize that it is indeed midday.
  17. I hardly know what's in both of them and I can't vouge for what companies put into our bodies as they lie all the time so I can't say which is better.
  18. At the rate humans are going, I just know somebody's stupidity will be the death of us all. Humans are pretty good at shooting themselves in the foot especially this generation.
  19. She even seemed kind of shocked and a bit embarrassed. I don't know how the news reporter managed to keep it together - I'd have started laughing hysterically.
  20. I'd probably want to work at an elephant sanctuary or something like that. I've always liked elephants and they're pretty darn intelligent too.
  21. In ancient, the penalty for getting most things wrong was death. For instance, pull the wrong lever in a pyramid - death. Take a wrong turn in one - death. Those pyramids are full of traps so it's any wonder that they haven't been fully explored as yet.
  22. My Spanish reading skills are also pretty terrible - I can make out a few sentences but that's about it. Everything else I have to be assuming based what I already figured out.
  23. Black Tea and Green Tea are made from the same plant but the processing is where they differ - As for me I like both equally.
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