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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. The most iconic fight of the entire series and one that defines what Gundam is truly about.
  2. Damn it, I mixed them up - the person I actually meant was Dale Kelly. Check out some of his work.
  3. You're not going to find much of that on TV because it doesn't sell. However, what you will find lots of is disloyalty, drama, cheating partners and lots of violence because that's what entertains most humans nowadays.
  4. MGS 5, DMC 5 and SKyrim SE
  5. I'd put wings on lizards because then we'd have real-life renditions of dragons minus the fire breathing. If you could put wings on any species of animal, what animal would you choose?
  6. Personally, I'd probably turn into jet fighter just like Starscream so I could fly around and have all kinds of missiles and nuclear warheads. If you were a transformer, what vehicle would you turn into?
  7. Nope - not at all. At least not the typical ones - I believe that it's a mental thing. However, I've heard of these "good luck charms" in things like voodoo that actually work but they have very stringent guidelines that you must follow religiously and if you don't there are negative repercussions. Do you believe good luck charms work?
  8. If he was still alive, I would've wanted the narrator of DBZ English Dub, Brice Armstrong to narrate my life. His voice is absolutely epic and it is always filled with excitment. Who would you want to be the narrator of your life?
  9. Any that give the last set of living rhinoceros a home before they go extinct because the greedy government uprooted them from their own home. Which charity or charitable cause is most deserving of money?
  10. Personally, I feel the word to aptly describe the internet currently is "insane". Some of the stuff I see online is surreal - it's convinced me that building a bunker is probably the best course of action. Either that or get my own island. In one word, how would you sum up the internet?
  11. Well, they'd either think I killed someone for pissing me off or tried blowing up somewhere after someone pissed me off and accidentally killed a few innocent people along with the intended target. What about you guys?
  12. Just imagine if a brand of dishwashing liquid was named Squirter? I'm surprised no one came up with that seeing as we have things like sperm whales roaming around. What do you think would be the worst brand name for a particular product?
  13. This would be a tough one if I'm being honest because deep down I know I'm insane and acting sane isn't my strongest suit 🤣. How would you convince them?
  14. That makes a lot of sense - you don't want to pass on anything dangerous to the ones closest to you. How long before you get back the results of your Covid test?
  15. Basically Westernized culture is more about the individual and eastern culture is more about the family/group. I see it all the time in MMOs, the most successful guilds tend to have more individuals of eastern culture who will put their egos aside and work together. Western people are incapable of getting over that hurdle so there's always in-fighting, disloyalty and backstabbing.
  16. The tune would probably be in your head for a while if this was constantly happening...
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