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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Skyrim SE and Fallout 4
  2. I'd rather the free time because you can always come up with more innovative ways to make money. Just working for money quickly becomes exhausting and you'll suffer burnout. What are your thoughts?
  3. Which would you rather receive - Email or Letter?
  4. Honestly, it depends on my mood - I love both but the beach just edges it for me especially at my current age. Which would you choose and why?
  5. Depending on the circumstance, I'd have both but I'm more likely to consume the hot coffee. What's your pick?
  6. Personally, it brings up an endless amount of brand new questions that you normally wouldn't think about. What do you think?
  7. Guys I found some guaranteed methods but please don't try these 🤣 Or this
  8. That's a great one as well - that's what most people usually strive for but don't usually know it.
  9. Lol what about this... I'm surprised she didn't off herself with the likes being removed.
  10. Due to trust issues, I'd immediately execute that enemy unless my instincts say otherwise. This is not some anime where you can save everybody with words and get them to change their ways, most people are stuck in their ways and unwilling to change so death is the only option in most scenarios.
  11. If it's my pet, I'd fight tooth and nail for them because they have always protected my life without hesitation. If it's a wild animal being hunted by poachers or being endangered by other humans, I'd definitely try to help. If it's too animals fighting, I'd just let nature take its course.
  12. Elder Scrolls Vi - It's been so long since the release of Skyrim and it being ported to every other device on this planet. As much as I still love it (I do love it A lot), I'd like to experience something new in the Elder Scrolls universe.
  13. That and get rid of the monetization but knowing EA, they'll try to sneak it in somehow. It's a brand new game but because EA is the one making it, I'm also not confident.
  14. Yep and they can even use your IP address to commit fraud and all kinds of atrocities. It's a serious matter that I doubt I've even seen anything like this with Cyberpunk and that game was hacked!
  15. It's definitely Final Fantasy 8 - I mean, I wanted to know how the characters progressed after the ending. To be honest, most FF games take place in alternative timelines with Final Fantasy X and FF7 being the only games in the franchise that had any sort of sequel.
  16. I'd say the Alien Queen from Alien Isolation but that probably wouldn't do me any good because they'd be able to detect you up to a mile away and are faster, stronger and capable of learning your habits so it's a no win situation.
  17. That's how it goes sometimes - sometimes you have to make some sacrifices for what you need. It's one of the unwritten laws of life.
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