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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I'm looking for a WIFI 6 router myself - a quality one that is affordable and can handle huge workloads but most of them are over 200 dollars.
  2. I wish people being nosy was illegal because some people are just way too intrusive for my liking. I wish they would get a life and stop getting involved in other people's affairs! What do you wish was illegal?
  3. I'd say I am somewhat very invested in new technology simply because I'm always excited to see how far they can go. I don't always own the latest tech but I'm usually very aware of what new tech products are on the market especially innovative ones. How into tech are you? Why?
  4. Every time Zoids New Century Zero's intro starts, I immediately get all excited like a kid again. What weird thing do you have nostalgia for?
  5. I'm trying to learn Spanish but other than a few sentences, I'm still way off from speaking conversational Spanish. What skill or talent would you most like to learn?
  6. Thai Barbecue Chicken - its a favorite from the day I first had it in a Florida mall to the various other Thai restaurants I've been to ever since. It's absolutely delicious! What’s your favorite international food?
  7. Teleport anywhere - I'd get rid of most of the corrupt politicians and people who abuse their authority overnight. Which would you pick and why?
  8. I only eat chicken, turkey and fish but I can without them if I had no choice. Besides, vegetables are far more nutritious for the body. What's your pick and why?
  9. Definitely the flying carpet - I mean, they are already land vehicles that can drive underwater (can't quite remember what the names were but it exist). I'd be the next Aladdin. What's your choice and why?
  10. I'd say never get stuck in traffic - I can handle the cold but traffic is so incredibly annoying. Do you agree with my choice?
  11. Well I'd rather the two people fight to the death while wearing identical clothing. There's no way your going to get me to wear what everyone else has on. What would you pick and why?
  12. Some of us also dream for a better world but quickly realize the flaws of humanity's ways - our species seems hellbent on destroying everyone and everything include our own without a second thought about the repercussions of our actions.
  13. Hands down the best fight of the series and the choreography was amazing!
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