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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. The Mac is actually more powerful and is cheaper (It's a real surprise) and there are far more powerful Windows laptops that cost less as well. This is the issue I've always had with surface devices, they're so overpriced!
  2. I have to agree that the design has been practically identical for the last couple of years and they need to update it. Having said that, it's not a bad looking device.
  3. They can still recover from this but they need to stay out of the public eye for a while and continuously work in silence and just make a big announcement. They'll be alright.
  4. Their edge over Xbox previously was due to the exclusives but with Microsoft acquiring so many big-name studios and franchise in the last couple of years, Sony will be left in the dust if they don't get their act together.
  5. I mean, Microsoft has so many other ventures outside of gaming so they'll succeed anyways and Sony does to. The issue is that a lot of their profit does come from the PlayStation platform so they need to get things in gear. As for handhelds, Sony went into this venture half-hearted and was never really intent on investing the resources and time to properly compete with Nintendo in that market so they failed as a result.
  6. I encountered that bug before when it was first released and occasionally it does tend to freeze my computer for a couple of seconds and mine's a powerful gaming desktop. I've had games that we 99% downloaded suddenly go back down to 0% for no apparent reason.
  7. I totally agree - it always seemed like a cash grab from the get-go. I tried out Outriders for like a couple of hours and I was already fed up. First of all, I couldn't get into the game and then when I did, it was laggy and glitchy. I got the key for free and I still feel like I was robbed. Ironically, Outriders is still a better game than Marvel's Avengers and that's saying a lot. Totally agree with this - it always felt like it was a cash grab. I doubt anyone felt like it would've been a success. I even said that after watching the numerous gameplay trailers. Square Enix just wanted a quick come up and they got what they rightfully deserved. The worse thing about it is that superhero games are under more scrutiny because they're usually terrible so Square Enix should've put far more time and energy into making it at least half-decent.
  8. There's nothing wrong with that - I know plenty of friends who were ardent gamers back in the day that no longer enjoy it or don't get much time to do it anymore. It's best to do what makes you feel contented and if it's more productive in your opinion, then go for it.
  9. That's a very good example of helping to build the community.
  10. No problem. I agree, the most challenging puzzles I always faced hid the pieces in plain sight. At times, it takes a look at the bigger picture to realize that the answer was in front of you the entire time.
  11. Then you need to prioritize - the real world always takes precedence so you need to handle those responsibilities first and then you can play your video games. That way, you can concentrate on the game and nothing else. As a result, you'll enjoy the experience even more.
  12. Personal motivations are definitely are a part of what defines a heroic character. If it's done for selfless reasons to benefit another without any rewards, the individual can be considered heroic. However, if done for selfish purposes, that can't be considered heroic. It's true - I've done a lot of deeds for people without expecting anything in return. I've been praised a few times for it but that wasn't the primary reason I chose to do anything.
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