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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I know because you see the police just casually park their cars on some people they just run over - even the most corrupt police in real life aren't so savage.
  2. I usually don't even care because I'm too focused on the game and plus you'll always have that one person who is cursing throughout the entire gaming session so it doesn't affect me one bit.
  3. So true and that goes for every company in existence despite what they may want to convince you of otherwise. The originality is there in Indie games, it's just that they don't get quite as much exposure was regular games.
  4. Fallout 4 and Skyrim has a lot of freedom with crafting already and with mods, the sky is the limit.
  5. Got banned from Champions Online mistakenly because a hacker had an account name that was identical to mine and when I showed them the evidence, they unbanned my account really quick.
  6. It depends on how the game implements it and how it fits into the environment. In games like Resident Evil, I don't mind it at all as it makes the fights a bit more challenging and it puts you on your guard.
  7. Nope and it's not because I can't afford to but Kickstarter projects especially in recent times always turn into huge scams and I don't want to fall into that trap. Kickstarter projects in particular often times turn into a huge scandal.
  8. Skyrim and Elder Scrolls games in particular have been a staple in the meme culture, in cosplays and even used for analogies in regards to real life situations. Even my parents know about Skyrim and they don't play video games.
  9. I'd be the CEO because I'd get a pay raise every year despite how well the company does and the developers are the ones that get fired for failure. It's the best job in the world being a CEO at a Triple A gaming company.
  10. I do it a lot in open-world games and I don't mind it at all as you may just have missed something on your previous journey. Also, sometimes you just want to take some screenshots in a particular area.
  11. That's perfectly reasonable and I don't blame you quite honestly.
  12. Tell me about it - it's more awkward because I am part Hispanic and I don't know an ounce of Latin or Spanish. I've got some of the basics down but I can't hold a conversation past two sentences.
  13. Wait a minute - I've heard this one before. I think it has to do with the different stages of the human life cycle - you crawl on four feet as a baby in the "morning" cycle, "Two feet" at the noon cycle as an adult and "three feet" as an elderly person with a cane in the "evening" cycle of life. To be honest, I never knew it was the riddle of the sphinx - I just liked the riddle.
  14. I used to carry home all kinds of animals too like pigeons and frogs. Almost any injured animal I'd carry home and try to nurse them back to health. Thanks to that, I had a pigeon named Larry that used to visit me to show off his family. I always wanted to do something like work with animals but I haven't quite figured it out as yet.
  15. This video kills me every time I see this. The way the man barked like a dog makes me crack up.
  16. That could also be a possibility - to be fair, the creator of the video hasn't explained it all so it's open to interpretation.
  17. Same - I've only ever really taken trains in New York and it's not my kettle of tea at all. As for planes, the only part I don't like are rough landings but otherwise, I quite like it especially the view from above the clouds.
  18. I do have some black curtains as well but I hardly open them. I also have some pretty high quality curtains in my place and they're pretty thick as well.
  19. And going fishing is also pretty nice - and cooking it over the fire.
  20. I don't have a problem with ebooks because of the convenience - I can have 100s of Ebooks on my phone but I can't walk around with 100s of books.
  21. As I said in another thread, i came up with these questions while I was hungry. I swear I shouldn't do anything on an empty stomach, it always turns into something food-related.
  22. So do I but I was just saying if you had to do both by hand, which would you prefer. Personally, the dishes are way easier - I've washed laundry with my hands before and it's so much of a hassle.
  23. I'd also say Hiking and I didn't measure the distance but I sure did love the view as well as the smell of nature.
  24. I'm split in the middle on this one as I love both. To be fair, I'd eat 20 of both per day if it was possible and ironically, I was hungry yesterday when I came up with this question. Cheeseburgers are pretty awesome - I'm so hungry right now just talking about food lol.
  25. Tea is life - Personally, I always have things like Ginger Tea. Iced tea is amazing especially when using black or green tea.
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