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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. First it started with them moving their headquarters from Japan to California (mind you, they have better business protection laws in Japan). Them shutting down the PS3, PSVITA digital stores while Xbox is constantly adding more original Xbox titles to their backwards compatibility list and now the PlayStation devs are unhappy with Sony's obsession with Blockbusters. In recent years, I've noticed that Xbox are the ones making all the pro-consumer moves while Sony has started to move in the opposite direction. I was confident they would've won the console wars but with all the moves Xbox has been making, If Sony isn't careful, there may be no coming back for them if this keeps up. What are your thoughts?
  2. Well it certainly doesn't surprise me that they're losing money off of free games and exclusives but 330m in loses is nothing to sniff at. I mean giving away free games is a marketing ploy intended to lure people to their platform so they were always going to rack up loses in that department. The question we should be asking is how much ground have they gained on Steam using these marketing ploys because this isn't a sustainable plan in the long term. What are your thoughts?
  3. Even though I didn't like Zoids Fuzors, the Seismosaurus was an awesome zoid. It was basically like a mobile artillery unit equipped with plenty of laser beam weapons and missiles. It's far better than the ultrasaurus from Zoids chaotic century.
  4. The first shining finger was so freaking awesome!
  5. This song was about Sia's past drug addiction and alcoholism issues stemming from her boyfriend dying from being hit by a taxi in 1997.
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