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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I'm not going to lie, I have no clue what this song is about till this day. I wish someone would enlighten me - in English!
  2. lol Yeah - we've been brainwashed by the media to sexualize most of the content we consume so we always tend to think songs are usually dirty when they might not be at all.
  3. EA for constantly ripping us off with their "surprise mechanics" Bethesda for creating Fallout 76. Activision fall under the EA category. Ubisoft for constantly shifting the goalpost when it comes to their user policies CDPR for rushing Cyberpunk 2077 Take-Two Interactive for being as slimy as EA and the others.
  4. Unreal 3 would really get me excited as well or another Quake Arena! I'd also look forward to another Delta Force: Black Hawk sequel which I feel was a very underrated FPS.
  5. Final Fantasy Record Keeper
  6. I have never really watched Instant Queue on Netflix. Could you tell me what kind of show is it?
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