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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. This should come as no surprise to anyone being that Activision has done this in the past while paying their CEOs millions. Just imagine firing 190 employees without warning...What are your thoughts on this?
  2. Pitbulls always get a bad stereotype but it's usually down to how the owner raises them. I remember one of my neighbors had a Pitbull and she was the sweetest dog on Earth. She literally wanted to play with everyone while I also knew another neighbor growing up who fed his steroids and marijuana tea to make his Pitbull big and super aggressive. I've come across poodles that were far more aggressive than most dogs I've ever encountered.
  3. The Gate do get tedious as most of them have the same layout and design with just a few changes here and there. It's understandable but it does get boring after a while.
  4. This is a tough one - I'd say Mario throughout many games like Mario 64, Original Mario for NES, Mario Sunshine and others. As a matter of fact, Mario is one of my favorite Smash characters to use in addition to one of my favorite characters in Mario Kart.
  5. translation: If I'm not the one ripping you off - it's illegal. Call the authorities and arrest these scumbags - how dare they try to rip off gamers using our underhanded methods and make so much profit from it? The audacity!
  6. I have watched this so many times over the years and even though he's telling a joke, he's right about a lot of things when it comes to dogs. Dogs are very receptive to your emotional state and they typical tend to reciprocate that so if you're anxious and nervous, so will your dog. It also shows that even people who original didn't even want a dog are the ones that grow to truly love them. They change your whole perspective on life.
  7. The truly heartbreaking moment about this scene is losing Ghost and Roach along with at least 30k people in an explosion.
  8. Batman Forever - 10/10 - Still one of my favorite movies of all time and because I'm a Batman fan makes me love it even more.
  9. This is one of the first time we've seen Mikazuki's ruthlessness on full display an how far he was willing to go to protect his family.
  10. This was one of the first moments that truly cemented Ichigo as the main MC. He went all this way just to save a friend.
  11. Ichigo gave up all his power to protect everyone. In addition to being an epic scene, the symbolism behind this scene is amazing.
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