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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. This scene really caught my attention because Talos was trying to do things the correct way but he was assassinated by members of his own organization that wanted a more radical approach to deal with the prejudice they faced as augmented humans.
  2. My two favorites would be Cyberpunk 2077 and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - I feel like both games captured the little details in terms of making the city atmosphere feel immersive. Little things like rats crawling around and garbage on the streets.
  3. I believe it was either one of the GTA games or in Metal Gear - I wasn't that moved by it to be honest as I grew up in a pretty chaotic household where my parents constantly fought so I heard them cuss all the time.
  4. Actually, most do prefer to play it in third person but otherwise your assessment is pretty much on point. As for myself, I'm usually a mage or a duel wielding warrior so I tend to go for the High elves or the Redguards.
  5. I did get myself one of those L-shaped desk so that way I can use one end for my desktop and the other for my laptop and it also always me to have two screens as well.
  6. Yeah, that's a given but that's if another concept doesn't get adopted before it in which case it might not ever become mainstream. Anyways, we'll see what happens.
  7. They do have a G17 line with Zephyrus - It's just that it usually comes after G14 and 15 releases every year. It's normally released around March - April of each year and it's normally the most underrated one because it's not quite promoted as much.
  8. Other than FDroid - not really. To be honest, I'm extra careful when it comes to FDroid as well because there's lots of malware apps on that platform. However, the same can be said of Google Play.
  9. There's also the Razer Kishi which is widely recommended as well although it's a bit on the pricier side.
  10. One of my favorite things to do when trolling people online is to ask them some absolutely random question like "when did you take a coffee break today?" or "who stole my coffee beans?". The usual reaction is wth are you talking about and I pretend like I'm angry and go "somebody's gotta pay for them!" and attack.
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