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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It kind of looks like the Taj Mahal but smaller. It could be from one of those European/Asian countries because look at the architecture.
  2. Agreed but the main one is to sustain my way of living. If I stay in bed I'll never be able to continually progress in life and there's time for rest and other times for productivity. We must make great use of that time.
  3. Yeah - I read ebooks all the time and I don't have a problem with reading at all. It pays to constantly update your knowledge because it usually helps down the road.
  4. killamch89


    Well said - my father almost wrecked our lives thanks to Alcohol and that's why I never took to the habit in the first place. I had a bit of marijuana in high school but I stopped as soon as I got to the 11th grade. First hand, I've seen marijuana save countless lives and stopped people from carrying out otherwise very heinous acts so it can't be all that bad. Just like everything else though, you should overdo it.
  5. D&D - Skyrim, Final Fantasy Top Gear - Need For Speed Castlevania - Devil May Cry Mad Max - Twisted Metal Armored Core - Zone Of The Enders
  6. The bears are the ones I typically fear because those things are like tanks but I love capturing NPCs and feeding them to the crocs. It never gets old.
  7. If he were real, I know I wouldn't make that list just for the sheer chaos I tend to cause when I'm in games. I mean I'm nowhere near a tryhard or griever bad, I'd more be like a Doctor Evil from Austin Powers with the awkward evil laugh and trolling almost everyone in sight.
  8. It really depends on the game - In some games those trophies may vital to your progression while in others, it serves as more of an afterthought. I don't mind achievements at all but I primarily play games to enjoy the experience nowadays.
  9. After my experience with Star Wars Battlefront, nothing on Earth will ever make me pre-order a single item again. I was thinking about breaking that vow for Cyberpunk 2077 but I was glad I stuck to my guns because look at the disaster that game has been. I don't really care about exclusive features and other little gimmicks but I prioritize getting my money's worth so I wait for reviews and then I make a decision.
  10. Streaming games will never truly be an industry trend and the reason is the input lag of streaming cannot be overcome except by getting faster internet. Even then, it'll only reduce the input lag by a bit but will cost you a lot more just to get a decent experience.
  11. Resident Evil 7 always does this to me and it typically stems from the fact of how frightening and difficult the game is. Especially with limited ammo. On top of that, the usually tons of health aids from previous games is also severely limited.
  12. Scooter was one of my favorite characters from Tales from the Borderlands and it was a heroic sacrifice he made.
  13. Doki Doki is just one of those games that seems a bit child-like on the surface but it has some very cruel and dark moments especially with this one where Sayori hangs herself.
  14. You can get into Skyrim quite easily but it will get addictive.
  15. Good to know you'll soon be getting into the Elder Scrolls world. Trust me, after you've completed it you'll probably try Obilvion and others as well. lol
  16. That's something I never really looked into if I'm being honest but the Japanese came up with the term so there's the best place to start.
  17. The end of the long standing feud that Quan Chi caused which spanned over 2 decades of MK games.
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