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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. This story was extremely sad and to make matters worse, Vergil had no idea.
  2. If I remember correctly this is one of the first nunchaku weapon he ever got.
  3. This is when Dante really started to know more about his demon origin.
  4. Scummy practice that EA came up with - as usual. Personally, I think it's very scummy - I mean, you pay full price for a title that already has microtransactions in it and now you have ads in it too. Next thing you know they'll have those spammy porn ads in-game as well.
  5. Dante's Michael Jackson impression was a 10/10.
  6. Hey everyone! How's it going? I hope everyone is having a good weekend.
  7. It's one of the best song I've listened to in the last 2 decades and it's because it addresses a major issue in the US in such an artistic and realistic way which makes every party stop and see everything from the other's perspective.
  8. Discord is one of the few that I use and am on constantly. As you said, Slack is for the corporate world which it's one of the best in its class as I've used it at former jobs but it lacks certain features that make Discord special.
  9. Sounds like a good idea. Discord activity is far from dead - As a matter of fact, it's one of the liveliest platforms around and has so many communities.
  10. killamch89


    Here in jamaica, it's also legal for medicinal use and also if the police find you with less than 3 lbs of weed, you're free to do anything with it. So true. Those two have far worse effects on the body and yet they are legal substances when in fact they've caused a lot of accidents and illnesses.
  11. Well, it depends on where you live and it's understandable why people don't want to risk public transport because I wouldn't either. The part that I don't get is why people have to wear masks when they get the vaccine. Like, isn't that the point of taking the vaccine?
  12. Deus Ex kind of took a whack at it. In human revolution and Mankind divided, people with robotic implants were constantly discriminated against, even had assigned sections of the restaurants depending on if they had them or not. However, most of the rogue implant users were being manipulated by regular politicians without implants which shows that it doesn't matter the background of the person, it's their morals that matter. I alluded to this because most immigrants in foreign countries face the same kinds of discrimination but most of them aren't really the source of the problem. It's the leaders that incite a lot of this finger-pointing to deflect away from their actions which Deus Ex makes a very valid point.
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