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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I know I've echoed this same sentiment across multiple threads that it was doomed to fail from the start and two years later, I'm proven right. The only thing I'm surprised at is that it wasn't a complete shutdown but that may start happening later this year. With Xbox Gamepass, Nvidia's Geforce Now and Sony, how was Google ever going to compete with these renowned gaming platforms? The fact that they even rushed Stadia out the door in the first place just shows you their ignorance.
  2. Now I must say that I never thought I'd live to see the day that Gamestop actually served some purpose in the world other than ripping gamers off. The debacle with Gamestop and Wall Street would require its own thread but I must say that this is the good side of gaming (though it's not directly). What do you think of this?
  3. In other news, humans can die from drinking poison. Nothing really surprises me with most game developers nowadays - they are so greedy!
  4. It's about damn time! Finally, I can go crazy creating my own personal mods *rubs hands*. Having to learn another creation kit will take a bit of time though (Skyrim and Fallout 4 took me some time to learn and I still don't know everything).
  5. In more somewhat interesting news, Microsoft has already made twice the amount of money they spent on acquiring Bethesda. As I had said in a few threads months ago, It was a very smart long-term move by Microsoft because Bethesda has a catalog of games that have a massive following such as the Elder Scrolls and Fallout 4 series. What do you think of this news?
  6. Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Cyberpunk 2077
  7. I'd say Skyrim and GTA V - I can't believe it's been about 10 years since Skyrim has been out and I still haven't got bored of the game. This is an achievement for me!
  8. Steam at one point had crypto although I'm not sure they still offer the service since I hardly ever use it.
  9. I have to agree with @Kane99 on this one. These people are EVERYWHERE nowadays - even back in my days as a top 5 PVP player on Champions Online, I always encountered these smug idiots with their copycat builds trying to brag that they're the best and I'd purposely challenge them all the time and they lost repeatedly until they rage quit.
  10. Capcom has had a change in philosophy in the last decade so I'm not surprised to see them take this stance right now . While I give them credit for that, I'm not going to be tricked by any of these companies because at the end of the day, they can easily go back to their old ways.
  11. 4k gaming is getting a lot more support now but I'd recommend you give it a few more years before you upgrade to that platform. The reason being is that it's still ridiculously expensive in terms of building a system for it and PS5s are pretty hard to come by. In addition to that, you have to buy specific TVs to be able to enjoy your next gen games at 4k because they use HDMI 2.1 instead of 2.0 which is the most adopted HDMI standard. My situation is different because I want to be able to edit 4k videos and do 3D animation so I'll have to make that investment.
  12. Do as @Shagger says. Upgrade the memory of your system and while I would recommend going with an SSD, there are some pretty quick HDDs on the market as well which are affordable in these times. As for me, I'm currently working out a plan for a home server at the new apartment I'll be moving to in March so I can back up everything there instead of on a cloud.
  13. I plan to start uploading regularly to my channel but I have some other things to sort out with my business before I start uploading constantly. I'm going to start two new channels, one for gaming and one for my animations.
  14. I Keep saying this but yes they should sell off their franchise. Castlevania can go to the Devil May Cry Department at Capcom, Silent Hill can go to the Resident Evil Department at Capcom and Metal Gear should go back to Kojima because he's the one who built that franchise from scratch and it's his storywriting that make the Metal Gear series such a big hit. Just imagine Castlevania with Devil May Cry mechanics and animations - it would be an instant hit.
  15. FF7 Remake & Rocket League
  16. I'm sorry bro but I didn't get what you were saying. Could you clarify?
  17. They normally get a production version and that's when they send back the review unit they received or in some cases, they keep them so they have 2 of them. I probably be blacklisted by some of those companies because I'm an extremely honest guy and if I think something is crap, you best believe I'm going to tell my audience that it's garbage. Stay clear - do not engage. I'd even put the caution tape around it just to highlight the fact of how crap the product is 😹
  18. Gaming laptops are kind of a niche product though so most people won't buy one because they're pretty expensive right off the bat. Scalpers are more likely to target something that has ridiculous levels of demand such as the newest graphics cards or processors.
  19. I know that Alienware is apart of Dell's brand but what I was trying to say is that even their regular gaming laptops offer more in terms of price to performance. I did have an Alienware laptop once (well my brother got it as a gift but didn't want it) and it was an absolute nightmare! The thing is so damn heavy, I swore I was lifting some kind of log lol. I'd never even want one as a gift.
  20. Thanks for the heads up man. I'll keep that in mind when I get my hands on it.
  21. Dark Souls games are extremely difficult on purpose - you can't even pause the game lol. No seriously, I once died because I had to take a leak and a boss just showed up. I tried to pause it but no dice!
  22. Come on man - you can leave a game unfinished. That's like not finishing a Lego set - don't you want to finish that Lego set? "JUST DO IT!" - shia labeouf voice.
  23. Returnal looks awesome and so is the Forest! I'm also looking out for Ghostwire: Tokyo since I saw it debuted in 2019. Resident Evil 8 is the one I really want to get my hand on though.
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