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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. DMC 5 and Rocket League
  2. Those Jackie Chan games were pretty underrated - I'm not going to lie. Also, the Jet moto games as well. Driver 2 was one of my favorite games growing up because I liked the cities.
  3. That's true but the price for parts especially nowadays tends to make PC gaming less attractive to the masses that want to get into it. Consoles are pretty expensive too due to scammers but at least you may get lucky and Walmart or another chain may have some in demand. PC parts especially the ones in demand are ridiculously hard to find for a reasonable price. I just mentioned this lol I've gotten way more out of my gaming PC than what I originally paid for it and I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.
  4. I'm not sure why but I seem to can do perfectly fine with just 5-6 hours of sleep everyday and I'm full of energy all day. I normally go to bed at 11 but for some reason don't fall asleep until 12am lol.
  5. When I was in Lords Mobile and we had to take on another guild that was twice the size of ours. The kicker was that only six of us were able to fight because the rest were out of commission because of another war we had prior. Ironically, the six of us defeated them and for months the other guild was so salty because the whole kingdom kept trolling them about it lol.
  6. Since I play mainly PC games, I can usually use things like console commands or mods to get around glitches as in the case of Skyrim or Oblivion. Sometimes, a quick YouTube search usually helps as well.
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